Books About Detroit
http://www.thenainrouge.net“Things I Do In Detroit”, a collection of the greatest places in Detroit, and “Things People Say About Detroit”, a collection of quotes from famous Detroiters.
DBookmahn’s Used and Rare Military Books
http://www.usedmilitarybooks.com/Selling quality used and Rare Books since 1996.
John K. King Used & Rare Books (Detroit)
https://www.johnkingbooksdetroit.com/Bookstore in downtown Detroit featuring 1,000,000+ books spread over 4 floors and 900 categories housed inside an old glove factory.
Street Art by David Zinn
http://zinnart.comBooks, postcards, and limited edition prints of the sidewalk chalk art of Michigan street artist David Zinn
The Dusted Bookshelf
https://www.ebay.com/str/thedustedbookshelf?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=widl_yyitvs&sssrc=3418065&ssuid=widl_yyitvs&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPYGently used books of all genres at discount prices.
The Reflections Series
https://linktr.ee/AuthorNatashaThe Reflections Series is a suspenseful romance thriller that will keep you guessing at every page turned.
The Scarlet Woman
https://exzneairwilliams.lpages.co/exzneairwilliams459/The Scarlet Woman, Exzneair Williams book
Trina Nicole author
http://www.trina-nicole.comParenting can be a challenge, yet having a child with multiple special needs takes immeasurable sacrifice. In “Confessions of a Special Needs Mom: Reece & Me,” Trina Nicole candidly shares her trials and triumphs while raising her 16-year-old daughter, Reece. “The World through Reece’s Eyes” takes you on a trip into the world of special needs. A trip that will lead you to ReeceWorld Bear initiative.
White Raven Books
https://biblio.com/bookstore/white-raven-books-ypsilantiC. Hedger Breed buys & sells obscure, scholarly, collectable, scarce and rare books and ephemera.