DA Henneman, Fantasy and Paranormal Romance Author
https://dahenneman.com/Fantasy and Paranormal Romance with a Magickal Twist!

John K. King Used & Rare Books (Detroit)
https://www.johnkingbooksdetroit.com/Bookstore in downtown Detroit featuring 1,000,000+ books spread over 4 floors and 900 categories housed inside an old glove factory.

Kayla’s Hooked, Shook & OverBOOKed Club (Usborne Books)
https://j11819.myubam.com/2112657Interactive, engaging and educational books for children of all ages, including babies/toddlers through young adults.

Lost Between Worlds
https://www.batanikids.com/store/lost-between-worlds/An adventure middle-grade fantasy novel

Patrick’s Rare Books
https://www.patricksrarebooks.com/Patrick’s Rare Books specializes in rare & antique medical, surgical, and theological books. — We also have mythology, vampires, witchcraft, polar exploration, and other subjects in our current holdings