Healing with Cannabis: The evolution of the endocannabinoid system and how cannabinoids help relieve PTSD, pain, MS, anxiety, and more
https://cherylpellerinscience.com/Healing with Cannabis is an award-winning hardcover book for a general audience about medical cannabis and the conditions it helps relieve.

Jennifer Worrell, author
https://www.jenniferworrellwrites.comAn aging Chicago author discovers his dystopian conspiracy is anything but fiction.

John K. King Used & Rare Books (Detroit)
https://www.johnkingbooksdetroit.com/Bookstore in downtown Detroit featuring 1,000,000+ books spread over 4 floors and 900 categories housed inside an old glove factory.

McCormick Books
https://www.mccormickbooks.com/Michigan based bookstore selling new, used and rare books – we specialize in genealogy and local history but also carry books in a variety of categories.

Peter Keisogloff Rare Books, Inc.
http://www.keisogloffrarebooks.comPeter Keisogloff Rare & Fine Books has been an institution in the Cleveland, Ohio area since the 1920’s and has evolved into one of the finest and most respected internationally known antiquarian book firms in existence today. We specialize in antiquarian and fine books, sets, private press, literary firsts, americana, designer bookbindings and Livres des Artistes.

The Dusted Bookshelf
https://www.ebay.com/str/thedustedbookshelf?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=widl_yyitvs&sssrc=3418065&ssuid=widl_yyitvs&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPYGently used books of all genres at discount prices.