Fort Wayne
Detroit is a mysterious city.
Filled with hidden gems galore and deeply laced with history, Detroit is like some kind of unexplored video game realm awaiting a protagonist whom, swept up in the spirit of adventure, eagerly unearths its treasures to win the game.
One such beautiful example of Detroit’s fascinating history lies in the oft overlooked neighborhood of Delray in the Southwest part of the city, near the cavernous underground salt mines.
Between spooky Zug Island and the old Boblo Docks, stretched out along the Detroit River in an area soon to be populated by the nearly 2-mile long Gordie Howe International Bridge, is historic Fort Wayne.
Fort Wayne aerial photo c. 1980 (photo courtesy of Historic Fort Wayne Coalition)
This beautiful national treasure is also located down the street from Flor-Dri (5450 W. Jefferson), which was once the original site of Michigan’s first printing press in 1809, thanks to Gabriel Richard.
Fort Wayne is an old military fort comprised of around 40 buildings and sits on 96 acres.
87 acres are owned by the City of Detroit Recreation Department & run by the all-volunteer Historic Fort Wayne Coalition (HFWC).
9 acres are owned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and is referred to as the Detroit Boatyard.
Exploring the HFWC’s Two Military Research Libraries
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
I’m exploring the libraries at Fort Wayne with Will Eichler and Tom Berlucchi.
Will and Tom are the two fearless leaders of the Historic Fort Wayne Coalition, a non-profit group of around 20 volunteers who run weekend operations at the fort and whom have been fixing up the fort and fighting to save it from neglect and decay, since Tom founded the coalition in 2001.
Will and Tom are historians and historical preservationists. They are Civil War reenactors and passionate about Living History and honoring the richness of Detroit’s military history, which is why they’re created and curated two outstanding (and growing) military-themed libraries here at the fort.
“The two military reference libraries here are not lending libraries, they’re private appointment-only and designed for research. We’re currently accepting donations of military books and we’re hoping to open the libraries up to the general public sometime in the next five years.”
“I would say our largest concentration of books is Civil War material. Our next largest segment is World War II. Beyond that, we have military-related books, maps and ephemera from all over the world and all different time periods.”
“These libraries help deepen and expand our appreciation of the tremendous amount of history here at Fort Wayne.”
“In 1812, the British landed at Fort Wayne on the spot where kids play soccer nowadays.”
“1838 was the Patriot War. Some Detroiters sailed from here into Amherstburg, Ontario on a schooner and shelled Fort Malden and they also took the barracks in Windsor. At the time, there was a revolution going on within Canada. Officially, the USA stayed neutral, except for some private individuals who got involved. Some were executed, some were sent to the Hudson Bay Barges.”
“Then in 1840, there was an initiative by the government to build a series of Northern Frontier forts and the property of Fort Wayne was acquired at that time.”
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
“Fort Wayne was designed by Lt. Meigs and construction began in 1843. It was finally completed in 1852. The fort was actually dormant until the Civil War erupted, then it reopened. In the interim, an old Irish couple were the caretakers.”
“We’ve been trying to fix up the fort and bring it alive with military reenactments in ways that are as historically accurate as possible. It’s difficult to generate revenue for preservation. The Fort Adams Trust in Rhode Island might be a good model to follow in terms of making Fort Wayne sustainable long-term.”
“What I love is that everybody has a different reason for wanting to visit Fort Wayne. Part of the joy of interpreting this place is finding out for yourself the best way you personally connect with history.”
“In terms of maintenance, we’re looking to establish a professional service agreement with the City of Detroit. This would provide much needed funds for our ongoing restoration efforts.”
“And for the record, Fort Wayne is not a star-shaped fort.”
“It’s a four-bastioned square fort with an external fortification, which is the 5th part, thus, it’s technically not a true star-shaped fort.”
Who are Will and Tom?
Will Eichler & Tom Berlucchi @ Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
“Being apart of the Historic Fort Wayne Coalition is my passion.”
“My interest in Living History started when I was 15. I read a book called ‘Rifles for Watie’, a fantastic kid’s book about the Civil War. I read it and I’ve been hooked ever since.”
“I attended the James Madison College of International Affairs at Michigan State University, where I studied political theory. I have a 1,000-volume personal library at home, mainly Civil War and political books.”
“Currently I work in television as camera and Steadicam operator on NBC’s Chicago Fire.”
“I also shoot a bi-weekly video series called Civil War Digital Digest where we cover all aspects of Civil War History.”
Tom Berlucchi @ Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
“My first exposure to Fort Wayne was back in 1974 when I started doing Civil War reenactments here with the Loomis Battery.”
“In 2001, I founded the Historic Fort Wayne Coalition, a non-profit of which I’m chairman. In 2003, we were granted our 501(c)(3) status on Christmas Eve.”
“Prior to that I served in the U.S. Navy from 1979-83.”
“I’m most interested in documenting the history of the Red Scare in Detroit during the 1920’s-30’s. We held 300 Communist prisoners right here at Fort Wayne from 1920-21. It’s a largely unknown history lesson.”
Why is Fort Wayne Historically Important?
Fort Wayne historic aerial (photo courtesy of Historic Fort Wayne Coalition)
The land that Fort Wayne sits on used to be known as the Springwells Mounds, a series of old Native American burial mounds dating to at least 1,000 AD. Only one mound still exists at Fort Wayne.
During the 1700’s, the area was a Potawatomi Indian village until around 1780, when they moved away. At the time, the area was prized for being a large sand hill and thus, a good vantage point.
In 1781, Irish fur trader, John Askin, moved to what is now Fort Wayne. He traded furs here until he became Justice of the Peace in Detroit from 1789-1802. Then he moved to Canada.
Shortly after the War of 1812 started, the British entered the US via Sandwich, Canada and landed where Fort Wayne is now and stayed here for over one year.
In 1815, the Treaty of Spring Wells, a 6-foot long parchment roll, was signed here by eight Indian tribes and future president Gen. William Henry Harrison, formally establishing peace between the native tribes and the new occupiers of the Michigan Territory.
old Fort Wayne (courtesy of Historic Fort Wayne Coalition)
Then in 1841, Congress wanted to build fourteen Northern Frontier Forts as a barrier against potential British attacks. Based on the survey of Lt. Macomb, they selected this spot for Fort Wayne, because it was the closest point on the Detroit River to Canada.
Fort Wayne was constructed over an eight-year period from 1843-51. It was named in honor of American Revolutionary War hero Gen. “Mad Anthony” Wayne.
During this time, future president Ulysses S. Grant lived nearby at 253 East Fort Street, Detroit from 1849-51. It is not officially known if Grant spent any time at Fort Wayne but the general consensus is that he most likely did due to his military involvement and close proximity to the fort.
On April 12, 1861, the Civil War exploded when the Confederates fired on Fort Sumpter, South Carolina. Two days later, President Lincoln began mobilizing the Union into action.
Fort Wayne immediately became a training center and infantry garrison for Michigan’s 1st Infantry Regiment, including the Coldwater Cadets, some 780 men, who fought in the First Battle of Bull Run.
Several other regiments, totaling an estimated 14,000 troops, passed through Fort Wayne during the Civil War.
old Fort Wayne schematic (courtesy of Historic Fort Wayne Coalition)
In 1885, Springwells Township, where Fort Wayne was located, was annexed to the city of Detroit.
During World War I, over 500 African American troops were stationed at Fort Wayne.
In the 1930’s, the Great Depression hit the country hard and hundreds of homeless families lived in the old Civil War-era limestone barracks.
During World War II, the city of Detroit was the “Arsenal of Democracy.” Some 2,000 people moved to Fort Wayne and helped coordinate the supply of military vehicles and tanks to the U.S. military overseas via the Fort Wayne Ordinance Depot.
Fort Wayne was also used as a training and induction center. POW’s from Italy were housed here. Several of them, including Eduardo Barbieri, became permanent residents of Detroit after the war ended.
Fort Wayne (courtesy of Historic Fort Wayne Coalition)
In 1949, the U.S. Federal Government officially transferred ownership of Fort Wayne to the City of Detroit and the property was run by the City of Detroit Historical Commission.
During the Cold War, Nike Ajax missiles were installed here in 1957 and replaced by Nike Hercules missiles in 1959.
The Fort served as an induction center during the Vietnam War.
In 1967, Fort Wayne was officially deactivated.
From 1967-71, families whose homes were burned down in the Detroit Riots, lived in the old limestone barracks.
Over 200 years after its construction, the fort was officially listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1971.
The empty fort fell into decline and decayed for almost four decades before the Historic Fort Wayne Coalition stepped in in 2001. Then in 2006, the City of Detroit Recreation Department assumed ownership.
Unknown Facts about Fort Wayne
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
“Fort Wayne still has the original limestone barracks from 1845 and also the original 1880’s houses on Officer Row.”
“There used to be a cemetery here. Over 150 graves were moved to nearby Woodmere Cemetery (9400 W. Fort St, Detroit) around 1896.”
“Also, not many people know this, but there were three jails, called Guard Houses, on-site here at Fort Wayne. They weren’t here all at once, so it depends on the decade.”
“In 1887, a man named Arthur Stone tried escaping Fort Wayne and Sgt. Clark shot him dead here.”
“A woman named Elsie Woline committed suicide in Building 108, the Commandant’s Building. She was African American in the employ of Captain French and was jilted by a lover. She took her own life by drinking carbolic acid.”
“One of the most incredible things about Fort Wayne is that we’ve had somewhere between 23-27 Medal of Honor recipients tour the fort, including Surgeon Irwin, a U.S. Army surgeon during the Apache Wars, whom had one of the first ever-issued.”
“My personal goal is to obtain copies of all of these medals and display them here with stories.”
“Tom Custer, George’s little brother, was in the 6th Michigan Cavalry and was the only person in the entire Civil War to win two Medals of Honor.”
Annual Civil War Reenactments @ Fort Wayne
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo courtesy of Historic Fort Wayne Coalition)
“Tom and I are both huge Civil War fanatics. I follow Michigan’s 5th Infantry and the 3rd Regiment the most.”
“In the library here, we have a framed photo of Texans retreating from Maryland to Virginia after the Battle of Antietam, which was the single bloodiest day in American history.”
“We also have a ton of great Civil War books in the reference library, including a series of pamphlet-size blue books, which talk about small arms used by Michigan troops in the Civil War.”
“Our reenactments are extremely specific recreations. The soldiers even stay in the original barracks and pay in period script, not modern money.”
“What does it for me, what brings history alive, is getting to walk on the same floors, the same stairways that those soldiers did. Thinking of how many thousands of people have passed through here over the years, it’s incredible.”
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
“During our reenactment, Maj. Gen. Israel Richardson, killed during the Battle of Antietam and whose grave is under a big oak tree at Oak Hill Cemetery in Pontiac, Michigan, his original jacket was here in the museum inside our Visitors Center.”
“The 2nd Michigan Regiment is here and we garrison the fort the way it was in the 1860’s.”
“I’m also hoping to have my documentary about Fort Wayne completed at some point this year. The documentary is produced by my own company, Ravelin Films.”
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
“I cried back when we opened the barracks for the very first time and the Union reenactors marched through. It was a touching moment.”
“I also cried when we fired a salute with real canons here in honor of a man named Luiz who drowned in Lake Erie back in 2008. Luiz went to Southwest High School and played soccer here and a ton of his friends and family came out for the memorial.”
“As for the fort, I’m a preservationist but I’m also realistic. It’s not all going to be saved. We still have WWII-era electrical here, no insulation on the power lines. The plumbing needs updating. There’s probably $250 million dollars’ worth of restoration needed. But we’ll continue doing what we can.”
“If you haven’t been to Fort Wayne yet, make plans right now to come visit us. It’s a must-see destination!”
To donate your military books to Fort Wayne, please contact:
[email protected]
Fort Wayne
6325 West Jefferson Ave.
Detroit, MI 48209
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Historic Fort Wayne Coalition
HFWC Facebook
Annual Civil War Reenactment (2nd weekend in June)
Civil War Digital Digest (bi-weekly; run by Will Eichler)
Hold My Horse: A Short Film about Israel Richardson by Will Eichler
Hold My Horse: A Short Film about Israel Richardson by Will Eichler
Detroit Parks & Rec
National Register of Historic Places (Fort Wayne tracking # 71000425)
Civil War Medal of Honor database (1,522 recipients)
Historic Fort Wayne Tours
Flor-Dri (5450 W. Jefferson, Detroit), which was once the original site of Michigan’s first printing press in 1809, thanks to Gabriel Richard (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Aerial photo of MSU (photo courtesy of: Michigan State University)
Michigan State University is a sprawling and beautiful campus of leafy trees, ubiquitous green & white team colors, and intriguing experiences, such as visiting the World’s Largest Library Comic Book Collection.
Located in East Lansing, about 1hr 30mins west of Detroit, the school was founded in 1855 as a prototype land-grant university and renamed MSU in 1964.
MSU currently sits on 5,200-acres dotted with 566 buildings. Over 50,000 students attend here. There are 27 resident halls and over 900 registered student groups on campus. Yes, this place is massive. It’s one of the largest universities by population in the USA.
MSU’s Nuclear Physics graduate program ranks # 1 in the nation. Magic Johnson & Sam Raimi attended MSU simultaneously in the late 1970’s. Fun factoids abound.
I’m here visiting the MSU Library, the building which contains the main portion of the comic collection.
Red Cedar River (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
You park on the north side of Spartan Stadium in Lot # 62 W (99 Red Cedar Road, East Lansing). You ‘pay by plate’ by the hour. Then, use the footbridge to cross the beautiful Red Cedar River and enter the library doors straight ahead.
Once inside, the Special Collections Reading Room is on your left. This is where you’ll read the comics.
As the world’s largest library/academic comic book collection, the MSU Comic Collection is a true world resource.
Sure, Mile High Comics in Denver has a self-estimated eight million comic books in three warehouses and a single individual, Bob Bretall, in Mission Viejo, California has over 105,000 comics.
But the MSU Collection is catalogued, indexed, available to the general public free of charge and managed by comic book expert, Randall W. Scott.
Randall W. Scott, or “Randy” as he prefers to be called, is an MSU Special Collections Librarian, Comic Art Bibliographer, and head curator of the MSU Comic Art Collection. Working here almost 50-years, Randy has one of the greatest jobs on the planet: reading and archiving comic books.
Yes, a state university had the foresight to bankroll Randy’s unique expertise and thus, help fund a world-class collection of pop culture artifacts in the form of comics books. We’re so jelly. Randy, I want your job.
MSU’s Comic Book Curator and Head Honcho: Randy Scott
Randall W. Scott, aka: Randy, head of the MSU Comics Collection (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
“I’ve always enjoyed comic books. I like the format of blending words and pictures. I also read a lot of books without pictures. Mainly, I like thinking about how the literary form of comic books works and is evolving. Comic books are different from every other kind of storytelling. And I like the theoretical questions associated with comics and collecting comics.”
“I grew up on a farm in Alpena County in a little town called Hubbard Lake. I like to practice reading in other languages like French, German, Spanish. My foreign language level is fair. But my level of reading comics is pretty good.”
“In the late Sixties, I migrated to Lansing and attended MSU while working at Curious Book Shop, a used & rare bookstore run by Ray Walsh. I was Ray’s first employee and the comics buyer there back when Curious had an upstairs that was all comics. Stan Lee did a signing there once! I met Ray while we were both students at MSU. He was famous for riding his bike around campus in a trench coat.”
The Paper (image courtesy of: Michigan State University)
“As a student here at MSU, I worked as a writer and editor on an underground paper aptly called ‘The Paper’ and toward the end of its lifespan, it became absorbed into SDS, Students for a Democratic Society. There was a national movement for underground papers at that time. Detroit had The Fifth Estate, Ann Arbor had The Sun and so on. In June 1969, we had a convention in Chicago where SDS split and The Weathermen became one of the splits, so I briefly became an original Weatherman before it became the Weather Underground.”
“I have a B.A. from MSU and an M.S. in Library Science from Columbia with a concentration in cataloging and indexing.”
“I started working in the MSU Library back in 1971. I had various jobs, including being a preorder typist, whereby I would send out orders to jobbers to order books. I started cataloging the Comic Art Collection in 1974 when I developed a system for indexing and cataloging them and I’ve been here ever since.”
“In 1975, a high-school student stole our Amazing Spider-Man # 1 comic book. We knew who it was but couldn’t prove it. Today, in good condition, that comic is worth around $100,000.”
“After that happened, I decided to take on the job of looking after the Comic Collection, during my lunch hours, as a volunteer.”
MSU Comic Collection: At 350,000 items, it’s the World’s Largest Library Comic Book Collection
MSU Comic Collection (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Randy and I head downstairs, one floor below the Reading Room.
The Comic Collection is housed in long rows of electronic Spacesaver mobile storage units. The lights are on 120-second timers, thus, if there’s no movement for 120 seconds, the lights go off.
“We have the main core of the collection here. Then we have about 700 shelves of international comics at an offsite, remote storage warehouse.”
Russell Nye: Creator of the MSU Comic Collection
Russell B. Nye circa 1978 (photo courtesy of: Michigan State University)
“The MSU Comic Collection started in 1969-70 when MSU professor Russell Nye donated 6,000 comic books, mostly 60’s-era Marvel superhero comics, to the university.”
“Around 100 of the comics were his, the rest were from some of his senior students who donated their collections to him for his new Pop Culture course.”
“Nye taught in the English department from 1941-79. He was an early proponent of Pop Culture Theory and I had him as a teacher. Nye was a gentleman, always wore a suit, taught 19th century American Literature and had an inquiring mind.”
“At the time, comics were deemed ‘inappropriate material’ by academia. However, Nye was respectable, he had also won a Pulitzer Prize in 1945, so they couldn’t deny this pop culture scholar’s donation of comics.”
Comic Buyer’s Guide issue # 1 (1971) image courtesy of: Michigan State University
“Comic books had already been around for over 100 years and it took them that long to get academic recognition. I did Independent Study with Nye and wrote a paper called ‘Comics in Libraries’ where I argued for their inclusion.”
“Prior to this, academic libraries had been reluctant to collect and study comics, which they foffed off as ‘subliterature’. It was revolutionary times. The spirit of the time was to open things up and do what hadn’t been done before.”
“Nye wasn’t thought of as a radical but being a proponent of putting comic books in libraries was definitely a radical idea at the time. It’s hard to fathom now because it’s more commonplace. Now over 50 libraries have permanent comic book collections.”
It’s a Midwest thing: Michigan and Ohio Lead the Charge
Bowling Green University’s Popular Culture dept. (image courtesy of Bowling Green University)
“Ohio’s Bowling Green University started a Pop Culture department around the same time. The Journal of Popular Culture started in 1967 at Bowling Green and was edited by Ray Browne. They now have the Browne Popular Culture Library, which is the world’s largest collection of pulps, dime novels and ephemera.”
“In 1977, Lucy Caswell started the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum at Ohio State University, which is now the world’s largest repository of original cartoon art.”
“It was a Midwest thing. We started putting comic books in libraries, then NYPL followed suit after a few years and now it’s a global thing.”
“In 1978, the Russell B. Nye Popular Culture Collection was officially titled as a branch of the Special Collections. This collection includes the Comic Art Collection, 10,000 volumes of sci-fi (mostly monographs), probably 5,000 books, magazines & fanzines, and loads of Popular Fiction (ie: dime novels, pulps, detective, westerns, etc).”
MSU Library’s Carolyn Blunt (c. 1973)
A Taste of the Goodies
Young Allies # 1 (1941) photo by: Ryan M. Place
“The hardest part of being a Comics Librarian is cataloguing. Cataloguing is a daily, ongoing process. On January 1st, 1981, we stopped using the filing index card system.”
“Every year we get deliveries of 12 to 20 boxes of comics sent via UPS. Gerber invented mylar comic sleeves. I order these babies 5,000 at a time. Cataloguing all this stuff takes time.”
“We have 7 copies of the original Obadiah Oldebuck here, the first comic ever created.”
Obadiah Oldebuck, the first comic book ever printed (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
“We have the personal microfilm collection of Detroit comics guru Jerry Bails and the #1 CAPA-Alpha (1964).”
“We have all sorts of comics: Young Allies # 1 (1941), Walt Disney Comics and Stories No. 1 (1940), Wonder Woman # 1 (1942), R. Crumb’s Zap # 1 (1967), etc.”
“We have about 600 Underground comics, 10,000 volumes of Manga, 1 million comic strips donated by Dick Webster, and large holdings of Eclipse, Marvel, DC, Fantagraphics.”
“We have the King Features proof sheet collection from NYC (1930’s-1990’s).”
Rodney Ford scrapbooks (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
“We have 530 scrapbooks of daily newspaper strips. They came all at once from Rodney Ford in Sacramento, California. Over 100 titles from the 1920’s-1970’s. He made the scrapbooks meticulously by hand.”
“We have 17,000 Golden Era comics (1938-52), the first 1,000 of which came from Jim Haynes, a Connecticut racetrack owner who grew up in Port Huron, Michigan.”
“We have the Lexikon der Comics, the only copy in North America. It’s a German language encyclopedia of comics.”
“The list goes on and on. MSU has a tradition of keeping the best two copies of each item. Our triplicates we give to the MSU Surplus Store to be sold, and proceeds of these sales come directly back to the library to continue supporting the collection.”
Lexikon der Comics: German language encyclopedia of comic books (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
MSU’s International Comics @ the Remote Storage Warehouse
MSU International Comics inside Remote Storage warehouse (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
After touring the main collection, Randy drives us to an offsite warehouse in Lansing, about 15 minutes away from the main library. The facilities coordinator, Josh Maki, lets us in.
The warehouse is divided into two massive rooms.
One room contains international comic books on 10 and 12-foot-high steel shelving. The other room is a high-density storage bay of 800,000 books and bound journals. Big blue-box air scrubbers clean the air.
This is but one warehouse in a complex of warehouses. The others are: Folio, Special Collections and RSA. The comics warehouse is RS-F and called ‘remote storage’. Spread across the complex, there are around 1.7 million items.
MSU Remote Storage warehouse (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
“Here we have about 700 shelves of international non-American comics from all over the world. For instance, we have 1,800 comics catalogued from India alone.”
“We have shoe boxes full of two million daily comic strips, plus big boxes of proof sheets, Sunday sections, etc.”
“The most we ever paid was $130,000 for 13,000 European comics in the 1990’s.”
“We get about one international visitor per month, mostly from Europe and Asia.”
“When visiting, please remember that international comics must be requested at least three full days in advance.”
Funding: Where does the money come from?
“I get a little slice of the annual MSU Library book budget. I also have a couple of endowments which provide funding. Our total annual budget is around $40,000.”
“In regard to acquisitions, I have a Collection Development statement that I follow when we want to acquire new material for the collection.”
In addition to the budget Randy receives from MSU, generous supporters also lend a hand by giving funds in support of this collection.
For more information on ways you can support the collection, contact:
MSU Libraries’ Development Office
[email protected]
MSU Special Collections
MSU Special Collections Rare Book Collection (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Established in 1962, the MSU Special Collections department contains 450,000+ printed works, several manuscript and archival collections, a huge stash of ephemera, and more.
MSU has a massive collection of Sixties Radicalism pamphlets and papers. You can find these in the American Radicalism Vertical File (ARVF).
The Special Collections Rare Book Collection is at the end of the comics collection, behind a vault door, inside a temperature-controlled room.
It contains the Charles Schmitter Fencing archives. And the oldest printed book at MSU: Scriptores Rei Rusticae (1472, Venice). They even have a Book of Hours here.
Randy’s Final Thoughts
Randy Scott at work in the MSU Library basement (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
“Well, I’ll need to retire one day, I suppose.”
“My replacement will need to be enthusiastic about comic scholarship, knowledgeable in the field of comics books and care deeply about growing the collection and understanding how important it is.”
“The MSU Comic Collection is always open to donations of comic books. If you or someone you know wants to donate their collection, they can email or call the MSU Libraries’ Development Office.”
“Personally, I think it would be cool if the library put a little more recognition into the comics, such as the graphic novels. We have a ton of graphic novels, including the first-ever, Will Eisner’s ‘A Contract with God’ from 1978.”
Randy Scott at work in the MSU Library basement (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
“There’s a future in academic comic study. It just depends on administrative attitudes. Currently, MSU offers two minor degrees in Comics.”
“Every February, we host a two-day long MSU Comics Forum here on campus.”
“Visiting scholars with an MSU netID can apply to stay overnight at the Owen Hall Grad Dorm here on campus.”
“Plan a trip. Let us know you’re coming. We look forward to seeing you.”
MSU Comics Forum (courtesy of MSU)
Donate your comic collection to MSU by emailing Randy Scott and the library development office:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Search the MSU Comic Collection here
Randy’s Comic Index
Russell B. Nye Popular Culture Collection
MSU Comics Forum
Map of MSU Campus
Library of Congress has 150,000 comic books
MSU logo (image courtesy of: Michigan State University)
Ryan’s Final Thoughts
Having toured the collection multiple times, I feel it necessitates its own building.
Due to the size, importance and future growth potential of the collection, MSU should consider centralizing the entire collection under one roof exclusively.
You could also add a museum component to this, complete with display cases, regular events and periodic in-person signings.
Ryan’s Recommendations on Visiting the MSU Comic Collection
While visiting MSU, you might want to make time to check out the following:
1.) Brody Square (241 Brody West) campus food hall
Brody Hall (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Brody Hall (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Park in the Kellogg Conference Center parking garage (219 S. Harrison Rd.) for $1.50/hr. Walk directly across the street to Brody. Up on the 2nd floor is one of the most ingenious campus food hall concepts ever created.
Brody features 9 to 12 food stations. For $10.00 per person it’s all you can eat, all day long. And yes, this is open to the general public.
They have a wondrous array of food featuring things like:
Burritos, sushi, spicy crab soup, Cajun fish with mashed potatoes and gravy, Hudsonville ice cream (get the Cake Batter with chocolate syrup), 15 breakfast cereals, pepperoni pizza, vegetable spring roll, miso soup, mango slush drink, pasta with spinach and alfredo, breadsticks, and more.
Also impressive is their automated tray system. You walk over to a moving wall of empty metal racks and slide your tray in and it disappears into the back for the cleaners. Every university in the country should replicate this food hall model.
2.) MSU Dairy Store @ Anthony Hall (474 South Shaw Lane) 9am-8pm
MSU Dairy Store (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
MSU Dairy Store (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
MSU Dairy Store grilled cheese (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Park out front at the meters. 8 minutes per quarter or use your credit card.
This is an ice cream parlor open to the general public and run by the MSU Department of Food Science. All the ice cream is made right here at MSU. You can even buy half-gallon tubs!
I recommend trying a double scoop of the Sesquicentennial Swirl and Dantonio’s Double Fudge.
Also try the Grilled cheese on sourdough with a cup of soup.
3.) Curious Book Shop (307 East Grand River Ave)
Curious Book Shop (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Curious Book Shop (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Park directly behind the store. $2.25 for 90 minutes maximum.
Opened in 1969, this is a used & rare bookstore with a large sci-fi section.
The store is owned by Randy’s friend Ray Walsh. Ray has done a tremendous number of good things for the book community over the past several decades.
Ray puts on the annual Michigan Antiquarian Book & Paper Show. You can usually find Ray himself a half mile down the road, running his other bookstore, Archives Book Shop (519 W. Grand River).
Some Other Cool stuff in Lansing:
Potter Park Zoo (1301 South Pennsylvania Ave, Lansing)
Zoobie’s Old Town Tavern (1200 North Larch Street, Lansing)
Lansing Brewing Company (518 East Shiawassee St, Lansing)
Meat BBQ (1224 Turner Rd, Lansing)
Randy Scott (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Adventures of Obadiah Oldbuck (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
MSU Special Collections gift of Jim Haynes (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
MSU Comic Collection cataloguing (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
MSU Library basement (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Comics Librarianship Handbook by Randy Scott
Comics Librarianship Handbook by Randy Scott
Randy Scott at work in the MSU Library basement (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Elyse Thulin and Tamu (photo courtesy of Elyse Thulin)
The Detroit Festival of Books (aka: Detroit Bookfest) exists as a conduit for community wellness.
As such, we were thrilled by Elyse’s offer to teach a yoga class at Detroit Bookfest. Books and yoga and then you can buy beer at the cash bar inside Shed 3 afterwards? Sounds like a lovely combination!
Yoga with Elyse @ Detroit Bookfest
Right now, Elyse Thulin and her beautiful dog Tamu and I are sitting inside RoosRoast Coffee Works in Ann Arbor. I’m drinking a deliciously dark coffee called Rich French Neighbor, while Elyse sips on a cappuccino.
In my mind, until recently, the thought of yoga just conjured up images of human pretzels chaturanga-ing on narrow swaths of carpet to be trendy. I now realize this is not the case. Yoga is ancient. It started in India in 3,000 B.C.
Having never practiced yoga myself, I’ve been asking around about it, especially after my own doctor recently recommended it for a healthier lifestyle.
My friend Leonard, a daily yoga practitioner for over 50 years, said that yoga is excellent for Interoception, which is becoming aware of your posture and muscular/emotional tensions. He said to remember that yoga helps you develop the ability to relax your mind and muscles. Relax into the asanas (postures). It cannot be forced. Yoga is not like the typical attitude of contracting your body via weight-lifting and calisthenics.
Getting to Know Yogi ELYSE THULIN
Elyse is a doctoral student at the School of Public Health at UM. She moved to the Mitten in 2018 for graduate school, after living in sub-Saharan Africa for five years working on aid and development work with populations that have faced complex trauma.
Although her yoga practice began almost a decade ago, her need for the practice deepened over the past few years as her need for a safe space where she could be present grew in relation to the settings she was living and working in.
Coming back to the U.S., Elyse had the goal of completing a formal yoga instructional course (YTT) so she could share the benefits of the practice with friends, colleagues and the populations with whom she works.
Elyse grew up in Jackson, Wyoming, where most of her family still resides. She recounted fond memories of skiing and snowboarding the double-black diamond trails in Jackson Hole during her youth.
She went to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, MD for undergrad, before taking a gap year to volunteer with grass-roots organizations in rural western Kenya. She returned to the U.S. to complete a master’s degree in Global Health at Duke University, before spending a few more years working in Kenya and Sierra Leone on human development and trauma research.
Tamu (photo courtesy of Elyse Thulin)
Elyse returned to the US with her pup Tamu (Swahili for “sweet”), a “village dog descended from jackals,” to join the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health. Presently at the University of Michigan, she works on domestic and global intimate partner research projects.
For Elyse, her yoga mat is a place to center. A place where she can tune into her body, move it in different ways, and connect with her emotions.
One of the reasons she is drawn to yoga is that her mat serves as a vacuum in which she can examine the way her mind reacts to different physical and emotional experiences. In her work abroad, she has found some of her best friends through the practice of yoga.
Yoga has been a great way for her to build and participate in community across a variety of settings and situations. She has enjoyed diving into the expansive yoga community in Michigan and connecting with fellow practitioners.
In her free time, Elyse loves to drink dark coffee, be on the lake, and travel to Oceanside towns for snorkeling. She is invested in promoting community health projects like public yoga classes and has been a coach for Girls on the Run, volunteered as a Turkey Trot organizer, and most recently participated in the Paczki 5k in Hamtramck.
Yoga with Elyse @ Detroit Bookfest
Yoga (image courtesy of Online Yoga)
Yoga with Elyse @ Detroit Bookfest
At Detroit Bookfest, Elyse will be teaching Ashtanga-based Vinyasa yoga.
She will guide students through a set of postures, then give them some time to explore their motion and flow on their own. Her training has had an alignment focus, linking breath and movement, and she will be giving verbal adjustments and cues throughout the class.
When asked, she explained that she hopes to embody her vision of yoga as:
“A multi-point practice intended to bring people closer to a peaceful and integrated life. It pairs movement and breath with your thought-process. The practice of the asanas (postures) on a mat is giving yourself a safe space to explore mindful breathing, how your mind reacts, and physiologically it helps create endorphins and cleanse your nervous system.”
By leading community-based classes, she hopes to make yoga accessible and inclusive.
She encourages anyone who is interested to stop by and check out the class. If you don’t own a yoga mat, bring a beach towel or woven rug, or practice on the grass!
Yoga with Elyse @ Detroit Bookfest
Yoga with Elyse @ Detroit Bookfest
Sunday, July 21st, 2019
11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
1401 Division Street
Detroit, Michigan
This class is FREE and will occur weather-permitting.
We will meet just outside Shed 3 on Division Street. Elyse will be holding a sign that says Yoga.
Once everyone is gathered, we will walk as a group up to the Grassy Knoll (outside of Shed 5) and our yoga class will be held there from 11am to 11:30am.
Bring your own yoga mat/beach towel or practice on the grass!
No experience required.
All ages. Under 16, please have a parent present to sign a waiver of participation!
Yoga (image courtesy of Online Yoga)
Buy yoga mats on Amazon
Buy yoga mats @ TJ Maxx
Buy yoga mats @ Target
Buy unusual yoga pants here
Buy psychedelic yoga pants from Om Shanti
Yoga (image courtesy of Stock Free Images)
Yoga (image courtesy of Online Yoga)
Dr. Carleton Gholz (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
We’re sitting here on the 5th floor of WSU’s TechTown, a 5-story business incubator and co-working space in Detroit’s New Center neighborhood.
Right now, it’s a busy hive of activity and we’re sequestered in a quiet corner to discuss the exciting grand opening of Red Bull Arts Detroit Library.
I’m sitting here with the two brilliant, forward-thinking minds of Dr. Carleton Gholz and Gabe Chess.
Carleton is the main consultant on design and strategy for the Library. He is also an historian, journalist and founder of Detroit Sound Conservancy.
Gabe is a native North Carolinian, culture hacker with a taste for electronica & soccer, former Chicagoan and one of the main functionaries at Red Bull Arts Detroit.
Until more donations start rolling in, the Library is currently mostly comprised of a hybrid of Carleton’s personal Detroit book collection and from Detroit Sound Conservancy music library, many of which were gifted from the Frederick Gale Ruffner, Jr. Collection warehouse liquidation. Carleton is loaning his 1,500-book collection to the RBA Library for one year.
What is Red Bull Arts Detroit?
Red Bull Arts Detroit (photo courtesy of Red Bull)
New York City and Detroit are the only two Red Bull Arts exhibition spaces in North America. There’s also one in Sao Paolo, Brazil called The Station. Red Bull’s global HQ is in Austria and their North American HQ is in Santa Monica, California.
Opened in 2011, Red Bull Arts Detroit (1551 Winder Street) is a 14,000-square foot 2-story warehouse located in the Eastern Market district.
Red Bull, yes the energy drink company, pays 9 artists from all over the world a $12,000 stipend to live and work at the warehouse for 3 month intervals (ie: January-April, April-July, August-November).
The stipend allows the artists to focus on making art full-time while in Detroit. Being an artist is not easy and the money and dedicated time for free-flowing creativity are a blessing to struggling artists.
The basement of the warehouse is the old Eckhardt & Becker Brewery and is basically a cool subterranean brick-walled cavern. The brewery was here 1891-1969.
They are creating the reference Library as a platform for public engagement, which will be open to both resident artists and the general public.
A Lively Conversation with Carleton & Gabe
Gabe Chess & Dr. Carleton Gholz (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
“So, to kick things off for the Library, I’ll be doing a Reading Room talk on a book that is personally meaningful to me. It’s the 50-year, 10,000-square foot view of how I understand arts funding and how its drastically changed.”
“The book I will be talking about is the 1968 Detroit architecture classic, ‘The Buildings of Detroit’ by Hawkins Ferry, which was published by Wayne State University Press. There was a 2002 updated edition with a foreword by John Gallagher but I’ll be using the original.”
“The book was my Grandfather’s copy and it even has the original Hudson’s receipt in it. He was a doctor, did his residency in Detroit in the 1940’s, lived on West Philadelphia Street and on Selden Street. My Dad was born in Detroit and worked as an architect.”
“The book I have is basically a family scrapbook, layered with article clippings, papers, notes, ephemera, etc., it’s my own little vertical file of supplemental material. It essentially comprises a parallel book of its own within the Hawkins Ferry Book.”
“The big question for me is, as a historian, how does one fully update this survey for a new age?”
“William Hawkins Ferry came from big money, the Ferry-Morse Seed Company, which was started by his grandfather, Dexter Ferry. Hawkins was born 1913 and died 1988. He was an architectural historian and DIA trustee who attended Yale and Harvard. He was a pre-WWII elite historic preservationist whose worldview did not include insights into the working class and the adaptive re-use of repurposed buildings in working class neighborhoods. He was a modernist who lived in a $2 million-dollar house on Lake Shore Drive in Grosse Pointe, a wealthy suburb of Detroit.”
“In a world of scarce resources, funding for the arts is tough to come by. How would you know if Ferry’s book as a resource is definitive? I’m also very concerned about archives being accessible for non-Ivy League working class humans. To do this, archives would most likely need state funding of some sort.”
Reading Room: Dr. Carleton Gholz on “The Buildings of Detroit: A History by W. Hawkins Ferry”
Dr. Carleton Gholz’s family copy of The Buildings of Detroit (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
“I grew up in a home with floor-to-ceiling bookcases and a huge reference library. My dad’s a poet and a professor and as such, my entire inheritance will be books. What I’ve found with books is that, if they’re there, you will use them.”
“We have all these artists and writers who need access to an archive of resources while in Detroit, so we’re trying to facilitate engagement in a meaningful way. Our collection will serve that purpose. We can help expose the public to our library, open it up to new perspectives and we hope to invite lots of people to engage in new and different types of thinking.”
“The idea for the Red Bull Library came out of visiting artists who were missing their books and were therefore constantly going to the Detroit Public Library and we thought it was a great idea to have a library on-site for them. The library feels relevant, it’s a platform which willow allow us to help give voice to our community partners. What was once a blank space has been upgraded to provide better tools for artists. The library is a community tool.”
“It raises an interesting question of what is the relationship of an artist to an archive? A background foundational knowledge of art and a variety of other things should be easily accessible and findable, which is why archives exist.”
“Personally, I’d like to see better arts funding being provided to help the community, like what Red Bull is doing with this Library, I think it’s tremendous. I find it interesting that a private company like Red Bull, feels its budget is better spent creating archives in an arts building, rather than doing something else with it.”
Gabe Chess & Dr. Carleton Gholz (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
“Well, Carleton, oddly what’s happened with Red Bull, points to what states should be doing, which is helping to provide funding for community progress. People typically only look at attendance numbers as a measure of success. High attendance figures are not always necessarily a good measure of delivery on a promise. If you build it, they will come.”
“Our Library is not exhaustive. It’s intended to be a series of meaningful books. There’s sometimes a myth of neutrality of institutions. Museums are often started by a handful of wealthy donors. This is a far more community-based effort and we’re very excited.”
Library Grand Opening event:
Reading Room: Dr. Carleton Gholz on “The Buildings of Detroit: A History by W. Hawkins Ferry”
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Red Bull Arts Detroit Library
1551 Winder Street
Detroit, Michigan
Free entry, free street parking
Facebook Event Page
Red Bull logo (courtesy of Red Bull)
Red Bull Arts Detroit Homepage
RBA Detroit Facebook
Dr. Carleton Gholz Homepage
Detroit Sound Conservancy
Buy the Hawkins Ferry book from WSU Press
Photos of the Hawkins Ferry House
Gabe Chess (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Dr. Carleton Gholz (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Gabe Chess & Dr. Carleton Gholz (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
Dr. Carleton Gholz (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
3rd Annual Detroit Festival of Books (aka: Detroit Bookfest)!
*Special Thank You to Lauren Rautiola, our Detroit Bookfest Project Manager, for designing our flyers!*
The 3rd Annual Detroit Festival of Books (aka: Detroit Bookfest) is a glorious day of BOOKS, vinyl records, comics, creative arts, food, beer, funk music and more!
Please join us at Eastern Market Shed 3 in Detroit on Sunday, July 21st, 2019.
The event is FREE for attendees! There will be an estimated 10,000+ attendees.
Event hours are 10am-4pm.
All the event details are here:
What is Shed 3 @ Eastern Market?
Detroit Bookfest will be located inside Shed 3. To get near there, use the address 2934 Russell Street, Detroit, MI.
Shed 3 is located on Russell Street, between Division St & Adelaide St.
Built in 1922, Shed 3 is 29,000-square feet. The layout features 4 wings in a cross-shape. It is the “main” and largest shed at Eastern Market.
Shed 3 features bathrooms, large garage door-walls and free wi-fi.
Click on this link for a 3-D tour of Shed 3 (courtesy of Eastern Market):
Shed 3
Exclusive Interview: JOHN KING, owner of John K. King Used & Rare Books in Detroit, internationally voted one of the World’s Best Bookstores!
If you are interested in applying to be a Vendor, read this:
Please fill out the Vendor Application form and you will be entered into the VNQ (Vendor Notification Queue).
The VNQ is a database of potential vendors. If you are selected to be a vendor, you will be notified via email.
Please note that we have received thousands of emails from people wanting to be vendors at Detroit Bookfest.
If you have any questions, please email:
[email protected]
Thank you, we love you all!
3rd Annual Detroit Festival of Books Facebook event page
Detroit Bookfest
According to our website statistics: averages around 50,000 unique views per year.
Our top 10 countries are:
Our top 10 states are:
New York
Our top 10 cities in Michigan are:
Ann Arbor
Grand Rapids
Royal Oak
Clinton Township
Farmington Hills
Detroit Bookfest!
400+ Photos from the 2nd Annual Detroit Festival of Books @ Eastern Market!
150+ Photos from the 1st annual Detroit Festival of Books @ Eastern Market!
Sister Pie cookbook cover (photo courtesy of EE Berger)
I’ve never heard anyone say, ‘I don’t like pie’. I know some crazy people who aren’t huge fans of cake. But pie is one of those rare, universally loved foods.
Most people have a favorite pie and if you visit Sister Pie in Detroit, you’ll discover new flavors of pie, cookies and pastries you never knew existed.
You can also discover how creative, finely tuned, and in-sync local communities can become when they’re assembled and provided an outlet, such as the daily magic of Sister Pie.
This story is beyond pies. It delves into the heart of Detroitness, the importance of farms, the power of ideas and the oft unacknowledged tapestry of communities which make the USA a great chunk of the Global Village.
How did Sister Pie start?
Well, Lisa Ludwinski had an idea. She grew that idea with raw drive, talent, a flair for self-marketing and perseverance. The idea eventually sprouted into a business. The business attracted tens of thousands of customers whom became devoted fans and now the business is thriving and has become an undeniable force in the community. This led to Lisa writing one of the coolest cookbooks of all time and achieving international worldwide recognition in the process.
The business and the cookbook are called Sister Pie. The creator & author is Lisa Ludwinski and this is her story.
Sister Pie (photo courtesy of Michelle & Chris Gerard)
Sister Pie is located on Kercheval Ave @ Parker St in Detroit’s West Village neighborhood, about three miles east of Downtown Detroit.
There is gloriously free street parking and the 950-square foot bakery is housed inside a circa 1925 corner wedge of building shaped like an inverted isosceles trapezoid. It gives Sister Pie a sort of ‘temple of pie and baked goods’ feeling.
Inside are beautifully presented pies with lattice weaves and decorative steam vents and an olfactory bouquet of brain-meltingly good smells.
They offer a range of edible works of art, including pies, cookies, pastries, breakfast and lunch. All those goodies can be enjoyed on-site at the single large family-style farmhouse table in the front of the shop, which is where Lisa and I are sitting right now.
The ambiance is cozy, quirky and inspiring. They also have double-stacked convection ovens here. These bad girls can fit 25 pies at a time, so you can bake up to 50 pies simultaneously!
I’m here visiting with Lisa because Sister Pie is all-around great and as a result, she has become one of Detroit’s de facto ambassadors. Plus, their cookie game is on point too, these are some good cookies!
Her cookbook, ‘Sister Pie: The Recipes and Stories of a Big-Hearted Bakery in Detroit’, clocks in at 256 pages and features over 75 recipes.
It was published in October 2018 by Lorena Jones Books, an imprint of Ten Speed Press, which is a division of Penguin Random House.
The book is an incredibly fun and interactive read, featuring recipes, ingredients, tips, easy to follow instructions, and Lisa’s own unique brand of quirky humor.
What is readily apparent from reading the book is that the Sister Pie powerhouse are fearless experimenters. They are unafraid to experiment with combinations of from-scratch ingredients and modify or replace the recipes as needed.
Lisa herself is a fun blend of silly and business, hilarious and serious, extrovert and introvert, intermingled together like her nontraditional pie ingredients.
“I have a pit bull named Ruby Thursday. She got her name because I liked the name Ruby and I met her on a Thursday. Ruby is my girl!”
“One of my biggest inspirations over the years have been my parents. They’ve given me probably too much support (laughs) I’m incredibly fortunate. Knowing they had my back allowed me to focus 100% of my time on business development and turn Sister Pie into a successful business.”
“They were so excited when I moved back home from Brooklyn. They gave me a place to stay, helped fund my existence, provided groceries, roof over my head. And growing up, they took their parental duty to the max and made it their mission give my sister Sarah and I good opportunities.”
“My Father Kurt runs the All America Plywood Company at John R & 7 Mile in Detroit. My grandfather started the business in 1967 and my dad took over in the late 1970’s. Growing up, it was a cool experience for me to visit him at the office, see him as a business owner and boss. He’s able to transform stress into creativity, which is very inspirational for me. I always know I can go to him for advice.”
“My mom is amazing. She carted me from dance lessons to play rehearsals and everywhere in between as a kid. We grew up on her cooking, and my Aunt Mimi’s pumpkin pie.”
Lisa & Sarah (photo courtesy of Lisa Ludwinski)
Born 1984, Lisa Louise Ludwinski, grew up in Milford, Michigan with her sister Sarah. She attended Mercy High School and graduated with a BA in Theatre Arts from Kalamazoo College.
Upon graduation, she moved to Brooklyn, NYC and lived there from 2006-2012. When not filming her hilarious Funny Side Up cooking show and landing acting gigs, she worked as a pastry cook at Momofuku Milk Bar and very briefly at Four and Twenty Blackbirds.
Lisa decided to move back home and grow her new idea for a business. She started Sister Pie in November 2012 at her parent’s house. The orders rolled in fast and in 2013 she enrolled in D:hive Build (now Build Institute) business class, joined FoodLab Detroit and by 2014 transitioned to the Hannan House commercial kitchen space in Midtown Detroit.
Lisa added her first employee, Toledo native Anji Barto and things were cooking as they moved to Detroit’s West Village, snapped up several wholesale accounts and won $50,000 from the Hatch Detroit small business contest.
To raise money for a brick-and-mortar shop, Lisa launched an Indiegogo campaign in February 2015. The goal was to raise $25,000. Lisa did a 24 hours dance marathon where she personally danced for 24 hours straight inside Paramita Sound record store. She started 9pm Friday and stopped 9pm Saturday night! The fundraiser was a huge success and they exceeded their goal by $1,000.
Finally, after a few years of grinding hard every single day, Lisa officially opened Sister Pie on April 24th, 2015.
Lisa & Ruby Thursday (photo courtesy of Lisa Ludwinski)
“I’m of Polish and German descent, with some English and Russian thrown in there.”
“I was part of a mime troop in high school (laughs)…it was a weird thing, but fun. I did it for two years and learned skits, choreography, and the challenge of entertaining while being constrained. Without the ability to talk, you learn to be expressive in other ways.”
“Going to Mercy High School was a big experience in my life. I was introduced to a culturally and racially diverse student body, which is something I hadn’t really experienced in Milford. There was an emphasis on exploring and opening up your mind to other people and everyone’s different experiences, which created a strong foundation for my ongoing interest in social justice and human rights.”
“I like dogs, I like to doodle-draw, and going to see interesting films. The Detroit Film Theatre inside the DIA is one of my favorite places in the city. My favorite movie is Hitchcock’s 1954 classic, ‘Rear Window’. I also like being outside and exploring different outdoor challenges and trying new things.
“As the business has grown, I’ve become more introverted. For the past couple decades, I’ve spent a lot of time as a performance-crazed extrovert. I have a wacky sense of humor. In general though, I try to be an empathetic person, try to give with kindness, and definitely have a tendency to over-analyze.”
“One of my favorite authors is Zadie Smith. Her book ‘On Beauty’ is my favorite of hers. Also really enjoy essays by Rebecca Solnit. I listen to a wide variety of music and have always been very into classic soul. My go-to music in general is 80’s New Wave (New Order, Talking Heads, etc).”
Sister Pie’s Apple Sage Gouda Pie (photo courtesy of EE Berger)
The reason Sister Pie sells out early every day is because each person is buying an average of 5 to 10 items. Yes, it’s that good. I ordered $60.00 worth of pie and pastries while here and the only regret I have is that I didn’t bring another $40.00 with me to buy more.
“Sister Pie is run by 15 women, including myself. Everyone here has a lot of freedom, ownership, responsibilities and the business is now at a place where it can run without me needing to be here constantly.”
“The kitchen here is running 5am-6pm daily. We close for the holidays and take a two week break at the beginning of the year. We bake pies once daily, around 11 am or Noon. They sit overnight and are served the next day because pies need to rest for at least 4 hours.”
“My first employee, Anji Barto has been with us since May 2014. At the time she was doing some graphic design work for Germack. In April 2015, she became a full-timer and she’s been very involved in the growth of Sister Pie. We’ve been through a lot together.”
“Sister Pie is known for our nontraditional flavor combinations. We make these seasonally and there’s definitely something enticing about the unusual flavors. Again, I like a challenge and it’s challenging to pick a single base ingredient and see how you can layer it with other ingredients to make something different and unique.”
“We make our pie dough, the All-Butter Pie Dough, by hand every day communally. We use Plugra butter (high fat French butter) and unbleached all-purpose flour.”
“80% of Sister Pie pies begin with a blind-baked crust (ie: baked without filling). Pie crust is not hard to make, there’s just a lot of steps. You have to be thoughtful and work fast, especially so the butter doesn’t become completely homogeneous with the other ingredients. You want it to burst open when it hits the hot oven. It’s also possible to over-work the pie dough. It’s a hard balance because it takes a lot of muscle to sculpt the dough, roll it to a properly-sized circle and crimp it. I call our crimps ‘dramatic.’”
“I love our Sister Pie-It Forward Program. We have these slips of paper and for $4.24 you can purchase one and put it on our refrigerator. Anyone who comes in can grab it and use it for a free slice of pie.”
Sister Pie (photo courtesy of EE Berger)
“Every now and then we like to dance in the kitchen. It’s a fun way to release energy!”
“One Monday night per month we have Sister Pie Townhall Meetings. These are private, employee-only get-together’s where we sit at the store table and talk, eat and drink. It’s an open forum, a chance to empty the suggestions box and give everyone a chance to speak honestly about whatever’s on their mind.”
“We also offer classes here. They’re put up for sale quarterly. We host classes all year long, conducting maybe 3-4 per month. There are about 8 students per class and we do them here at the bakery. Lindsey teaches the pie dough classes and I teach the hand pie classes.”
“Wedding orders are hugely popular at Sister Pie. Especially during the warmer weather, we’re doing several wedding orders every weekend. If you or someone you know are interested in this, shoot us an email at [email protected]”
“As a business, Sister Pie has a Triple Bottom Line. This is a focus on being mindful of people, planet, and profit in every decision we make.”
Ruby loves Sister Pie! (photo courtesy of Lisa Ludwinski)
Sister Pie offers an array of deliciousness. Most of their pies have a 9-inch diameter, except for the mini pies, hand pies and they make special 6-inch pies for the holidays.
Here are some recommendations:
- Salted Maple Pie (“Considered to be our signature flavor, it has classic chess filling with Grade B maple syrup from Imlay City, Michigan”)
- Chocolate Coconut Pie
- Buckwheat Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Apple Sage Gouda Pie
- Sweet Potato, Black Bean & Feta Hand Pie (“If there were a hand pie fan club, this is the hand pie they’d serve at their meetings.”)
- Egg-on-Top Galettes
- Honey Lemon Meringue Pie (“Cloud-like meringue, we use a kitchen torch to toast the meringue.”)
- Rhubarb Rosemary Streusel Pie
- Sister Salads
- From Another Galaxy Brownies
- Sour Cherry Bourbon Pie
- Fennel Snickerdoodle Cookies
- Savory Hand Pies
- Peanut Butter Paprika Cookies
- Toasted Marshmallow Pumpkin Pie
- Sweet Beet Pie
- Spranola (granola, honey, yogurt)
- Blueberry Lemon Thyme Pie
- Brandy Pecan Pie
- They even do Paczki’s for Fat Tuesday! Maple coffee cream paczki, Grapefruit Hibiscus paczki, and the Pieraczki (pierogi-paczki hybrid)
Michigan farmland (photo courtesy of Pure Michigan)
The State of Michigan has 10 million acres of farmland and over 50,000 farms.
Farms (and long-haul truckers) are the backbone of America, yet they are continually underrated and under-credited. Businesses like Sister Pie help farms and farmers achieve more recognition of their importance.
“Sister Pie works with dozens of farms and farmers! We try working with farms in Michigan, especially within the city of Detroit.”
“Our offerings are based on seasonality. April to November are the main months for Michigan farmers.”
Guernsey Dairy
“We get fresh whipped cream delivered weekly from Guernsey Dairy. We use heavy cream in many of our recipes. It provides a richness and flavor. The fat affects the texture of filling. We whip it up daily for pie, it’s especially good with more tart pies, helps balance the tartness.”
“We get sweet potatoes from Farmer Norm, buckwheat flour from Hampshire Farms, Northern Spy apples from Erwin Orchards and Farmer Joe Jessup in South Haven, etc, the list goes on and on.”
“As a team, Sister Pie even does an apple-picking trip once per year.”
“In the beginning, we started going to Eastern Market in Detroit to see what was available. That in-person interaction deepened many of our relationships with farmers. Now, they will typically deliver directly to us or we will still meet them at Eastern Market and pick it up there.”
Lisa @ Sister Pie (photo courtesy of EE Berger)
One thing I appreciate is that Lisa made her cookbook fun. Most cookbooks are not fun. They’re usually instructional textbooks devoid of personality.
Lisa’s cookbook is the opposite, laced with idiosyncratic texture and overflowing with humorous asides, which makes it a unique experience, much like visiting Sister Pie. My two favorite lines are: “When you’re not in a pie mood (as if!)” and also “Over the years, the cookie has evolved much like a story in a game of telephone”.
Lisa explains:
“How the cookbook happened is basically I wrote a book proposal, got some recipe taste-testers together and it took some time, but we eventually compiled over 75 recipes.”
“It was listed by the New York Times as the Best Cookbook of 2018. Since it was published a few months ago in October, we’ve sold around 30,000 cookbooks. Here at the Sister Pie store in Detroit, we’ve sold over 1,000 copies.”
“It’s been a huge hit with home bakers. The Pie Dough recipe, for example, is very accessible. It’s a good opportunity for home bakers to use it and exercise patience. When a recipe tells you to wait, just wait, it will pay off. Please take the proper time to follow the baking rules for best results. I know it’s tough! The part of patiently waiting is an area I still struggle the most with. But it’s worth it.”
“My advice to fellow writers is to keep writing every single day. The whole process of getting the book published took me a full two years.”
“I even took a month off from the bakery to be a full-time writer. That may not seem like a lot, but believe me, taking an entire month off from your business is a huge deal. It’s a big gamble and one I was willing to take because I trusted my employees. During that time, I would write 6-8 hours per day. I worked on it at home, in various Detroit coffee shops and also Up North in the Torch Lake area.”
“EE Berger took the photos and she did an incredible job bringing a fresh, unique perspective to our bakery and baked goods.”
- When visiting Sister Pie, get there when they open.
- Try everything.
- Participate in the Sister Pie-It Forward Program.
- Buy the cookbook. Read it and use it.
- Be sure to check out Sister Pie’s Instagram. You’ll be Insta-hungry.
“We typically hire about every six months or so. Overall, we have good employee retention. We hire via a sign posted on the door. More than half of our employees live within walking distance and we do tend to hire only Detroit residents.”
Lisa is also a talented artist!
She drew the designs of Crimp Drama and What’s Shaking Sister Pie and also the cookie box labels.
Lisa Ludwinski (photo courtesy of Sister Pie and Frame Hazel Park)
I give Lisa and her team a lot of credit for everything they’ve been able to do. It’s been a remarkable journey thusfar with many adventures yet to come. It will be interesting to continue following their development as visions of Sister Pie pies and cookies dance in our heads.
And remember that you can pre-order pies 48 hours in advance. They must be placed by 2pm two days in advance of pick-up. This is great for people who live far from the bakery.
One recent develop is that Esto’s Garage (1811 Parker Street, Detroit) will be opening next to Sister Pie. This Mexican-American casual eatery is run by Esteban Castro. I’ve known Esteban since he had a pop-up residency at Café D’Mongo’s Speakeasy. His guacamole is off the chain!
Maybe we will get to see a Sister Pie & Esto’s Garage collab at some point? A taco and pie night, perhaps? Maybe with some margaritas, too?
“Currently, we are entering our next phase as a business, and looking at a space we would rent in addition to this place, somewhere in the same general area.”
“We’re looking to grow, get more kitchen space, add more classes, increase our Savory Food Program of sandwiches, soups, salads. Possibly even have some gluten-free pie crust.”
“One recommendation I have to everyone, especially you home bakers, is to start a Baking Club in your neighborhood. Get some friends together, pick a different cook book monthly, each of you make something out of it, then meet at each other’s houses to sample the creations. There are so many great cookbooks out there, but they’re rarely fully explored. This would be a good way to change that.”
Sister Pie
8066 Kercheval Ave
Detroit, MI 48214
(313) 447-5550
[email protected]
M-F 8am-4pm
Sat-Sun 9am-4pm
Buy the Sister Pie Cookbook here
Lisa’s Youtube channel
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