Donate your children’s books to Birdie’s Bookmobile at Detroit Bookfest

Donate your children’s books to Birdie’s Bookmobile at Detroit Bookfest

Are you looking for a way to support children in Detroit? Bring your gently used children’s books to Bookfest 2024.



Birdie’s Bookmobile is a non-profit organization dedicated to making diverse books more accessible, increasing the number of books children have at home, and helping improve literacy outcomes.

They are partnered with over 40 Detroit Public and charter schools, after-school programs, and non-profit organizations, and have distributed more than 18,000 books to children and families in Detroit.

Your book donations will help build home libraries, encourage shared reading experiences,  and improve literacy outcomes.

Book Needs:

  • Board Books
  • Picture Books
  • Early Readers
  • Chapter Books
  • Graphic Novels
  • Middle Grade
  • YA


Birdie’s Book Mobile (phot by Birdies)


Where will Birdie’s Bookmobile be located during Bookfest?


Birdie’s Bookmobile will be located outside Eastern Market’s Shed 5 in the DTE Plaza.


This is the main plaza on the west side of the building facing Russell Street at Alfred Street.


DTE Plaza outside Eastern Market’s Shed 5 (Detroit, Michigan) located at Russell Street and Alfred Street









Alyce Hartman, owner of Birdie’s Bookmobile in Detroit (photo by Alyce Hartman)

Detroit Bookfest Cornhole Tournament

Detroit Bookfest Cornhole Tournament

Detroit Bookfest Cornhole Tournament 2024 at Fox Hills, Plymouth, Michigan


Big thank you to Bill Durham (Fox Hills GM) and Kari Kahanec (Fox Hills Event Manager) for making this happen


Welcome to the inaugural Detroit Bookfest Cornhole Fundraiser.

This fun Cornhole Tournament is all ages and open to anyone.


This event is being organized by Friends of Detroit Bookfest and Bearded Boards Cornhole.

This is a charity event. 100% of the proceeds go to Detroit Bookfest, which is a 501c3 non-profit organization.


Register your team here:


Darren McCarty will be appearing at the Detroit Bookfest Cornhole Tournament!

Darren McCarty will be appearing at the Detroit Bookfest Cornhole Tournament! (photo by Darren McCarty)


We are deeply grateful to Fox Hills Golf & Banquet Center (Plymouth, Michigan) for hosting us.

Please read all of the information below then register your team. Thank you!


Register your team here:


Fox Hills (Plymouth, Michigan)


The inaugural Detroit Bookfest Cornhole Tournament Fundraiser

Sunday, June 09, 2024


Noon start time


Fox Hills Plymouth map






Fox Hills Golf & Banquet Center

8768 N. Territorial Road

Plymouth, MI 48170



$50.00 for two-person team. You must register online.

FREE for spectators

Register your team here:



Many people will walk over and find great food and drinks for sale inside the Strategic Clubhouse or the Classic Grill inside the Fox Classic Clubhouse.



This is an all-ages event, open to anyone.



Former Detroit Red Wings champion, Darren McCarty will be coming to the cornhole tournament! Darren will be doing meet n’ greet, signing autographs, taking photos, etc. Bring cash. Bring your items to be signed or purchase them from Darren.

Darren McCarty at Detroit Bookfest Cornhole Tournament (photo by Darren McCarty)




You can BYOB (bring your own bags) if you want to. If not, house bags will be provided to you.



Alcohol will be for sale for those 21+ up. You can purchase inside the Summerhouse or from one of the mobile carts or at one of the three clubhouses.



We are excited to announce that Bell’s Brewery and New Belgium Brewing Co. will be ON-SITE doing samplings, selling beer, and giving away swag/merch!


Bell’s Brewery & New Belgium Brewery at Detroit Bookfest Cornhole Tournament



Cornhole boards are placed 27 feet apart from front edge to front edge. You stand opposite your partner. Each team throws four bags per turn. You alternate throws with your opponent. A bag on the board is one point. A bag through the hole is three points.

In cancellation scoring, the points of one player cancel out the points of their opponent. For example: if you throw a bag through the hole, that’s 3 points and if your opponent gets two bags on the board, that’s two points. You would do 3-2, so you get one point on the scoreboard. Whichever team scores 21 points first is the winner of the game and will advance to the next round.


Detroit Bookfest

The Detroit Festival of Books (aka: Detroit Bookfest) is the largest book festival in the state of Michigan. Entry to the event is free. The event is organized by a 501c3 non-profit organization comprised entirely of unpaid volunteers who donate their time to making the event happen. It occurs annual on the 3rd Sunday in July at Detroit’s historic Eastern Market.



Big Red’s BBQ Pit (based in Westland) are bringing their amazing BBQ foodtruck to the cornhole tournament! Click on the link for their menu. The food from this truck has gone viral online. They have some amazing BBQ food.




The format is a round robin to match skill levels. Once levels are matched, it’s a Double Elimination (meaning if you lose two games, you’re out).


Fox Hills

Fox Hills is a 500-acre golf course with 63 holes of golf. They also have a driving range. Fox Hills is also very popular for special events like weddings. Fox Hills Country Club was established way back in 1927. Then in 1974 it became a public golf course. Thanks to the generosity of Fox Hills, we are able to host this fundraiser at Fox Hills.

Fox Hills has 3 golf courses: Golden (great and beautiful course), Strategic (short game, no driver needed), and Classic (versatile and great for any skill level). They also have two driving ranges and the Strategic range even has Footgolf.

Fox Hills is also a great location for events such as weddings, showers, high school banquets, corporate picnics, corporate team building, and more.

The Learning Center at Fox Hills features eight brand new Trackman simulators, which create an amazing experience for the user.





The cornhole tournament will take place at the Summerhouse, both inside and on the Summerhouse lawn.

The Summerhouse is a 10,000 square foot pavilion with a bar and restrooms inside. The Summerhouse walls are made of retractable windscreens.


Fox Hills Summerhouse (Plymouth, Michigan)



Teams must register online. Stripe is used to process your funds.

However, once you are at the event, cash is preferred for the 50/50 raffle, bars, foodtruck, etc. Credit cards and debit cards will also be accepted for bars and foodtruck.



Fox Hills is a certified Audubon Sanctuary. Bald eagles live on Fox Classic (the hills). There are also numerous deer, turkeys, sandhill cranes, and more.

A partial listing of wildlife sightings at Fox Hills includes a variety of birds such as herons, orioles, red tailed hawks, pheasants, woodpeckers and cedar wax wings. In addition, other animals such as fox, mink, muskrats, rabbits, frogs and turtles are commonly seen. Over 100 species of wildlife/birds have been observed on the property.


Bald Eagles at Fox Hills Plymouth


News Coverage

Thank you DBusiness Magazine for the amazing coverage!

Thank you Social House News for the great write-up!



Who is organizing this fundraiser? This charity fundraiser is being organized by Friends of Detroit Bookfest and Bearded Boards Cornhole. Thanks to the generosity of Fox Hills, we are able to host this fundraiser at Fox Hills. 100% of the proceeds go directly to Detroit Bookfest.

Bearded Boards Cornhole is co-organizing the Detroit Bookfest Cornhole Tournament




Fox Hills regularly handles massive events. There is plenty of free parking.



1st place prize, 2nd place prize, 3rd place cash prizes. Amounts depend on how many teams register.



100% of the proceeds go to Detroit Bookfest, which is a 501c3 non-profit organization.



There will be a 50/50 Raffle. Bring cash to buy your raffle tickets!



Refunds will only be issued if this event does not take place.



You can register your two-person team here. The cost is $50.00 per team.



This game will be tracked using the Scoreholio phone app to manage the stats. You can create a profile on here and follow our game, if you want to.

Scoreholio QR code for Detroit Bookfest Cornhole Tournament



Spectators are free. Come hang out, have some food, have some drinks, and watch the cornhole spectacle unfold!



The start time is Noon. The exact end time is unknown since we do not know how many competitors there are yet and how long each game will be.



CaddySack Cornhole Customs (Canton) will have lots of great stuff for sale!

CaddySack Cornhole Customs (Canton, Michigan)


IMF Cornhole (Livonia) will be on-site selling all sorts of cool cornhole bags and other cornhole-related items!

IMF Cornhole (Livonia)



This event is rain or shine. It will be open air if the weather is nice. If raining, the event will take under the roof of the Summerhouse Pavilion.



If you have any further questions, please fill out this contact form:


Detroit Bookfest Cornhole Fundraiser

Fox Hills Summerhouse Plymouth interior

Fox Hills Summerhouse Plymouth interior


Thank You Pure Michigan for featuring Detroit Bookfest on the state of Michigan’s main tourism calendar!

Thank You Pure Michigan for featuring Detroit Bookfest on the state of Michigan’s main tourism calendar!

Detroit Bookfest on the Pure Michigan tourism calendar


Big thank you to Pure Michigan for listing Detroit Bookfest on the state of Michigan’s main tourism calendar!

Pure Michigan is a division of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation in Lansing. The MEDC exists to help foster and promote positive economic activity statewide.

We are honored and delighted to be featured on the calendar.


Pure Michigan (courtesy of Pure Michigan)


Fun factoid of the day:

Michigan has the world’s longest freshwater coastline (3, 288 miles).


Detroit Bookfest on the Pure Michigan Calendar


Calendar listing of all events


Pure Michigan (courtesy of Pure Michigan)


AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (courtesy of Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (courtesy of Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)


Wow! All of these images were generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) courtesy of Pete Linforth, an artist in the United Kingdom.


Pete says:

“I have created Digital Art going way back in the 1980’s when rendering a small resolution image would take over 24 hours! Now these things are done in seconds. I also doodle with black ink pens.”

“I’ve used AI pretty much as it came out into the market place. Basic AI has been around for many years, but recently of course there are hundreds of tools anyone can get into easily. I like the fact that someone with no experience at creating art manually can now create images from their imagination, that’s a great way to bring creativity to the masses. I tend to mainly use Leonardo, it’s a feature rich tool that is growing in popularity and new features are added on a regular basis.”

“Some personal inspirations are Picasso, Miró, Dalí, Escher, Rothko and Emin. Each have their unique view of the world and each had a major influence on my style and general images I like.”


Thank you, Pete! These images are whimsical and fascinating!




[email protected]


AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

AI Images of Detroit Bookfest (digital art generated by Pete Linforth in the UK)

Visit Detroit’s official mobile tourism center, the D-Rover Van, will be at Detroit Bookfest!

Visit Detroit’s official mobile tourism center, the D-Rover Van, will be at Detroit Bookfest!

The D-Rover Van will be at Detroit Bookfest!

*Special thanks to John Francis, Harriet Carter, Stan Smith and the great staff at the DMCVB for this*

The D-Rover Mobile Visitors Center travels around the region, helping to promote Detroit by passing out free magazines, maps, giveaways and special Detroit promotional materials to anyone interested in hearing more about the area.

Owned and operated by the The Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau (DMCVB), the D-Rover will be making its way to Bookfest!

John Francis @ the D Rover from DMCVB (photo by: Detroit’s Debography)

The DMCVB is “the only organization that promotes Metro Detroit regionally, nationally and internationally as a convention, business meeting and tourism destination.”

It is a non-profit economic development corporation which helps generate excitement about the area.

Factoring in all of the ancillary revenue streams (ie: hotels, restaurants, bars, stores, etc), the economic impact of Detroit Festival of Books for the Metro Detroit region is projected to be several million dollars.

Come check out the D-Rover!

Visit Detroit

Visit Detroit calendar of events

The D-Rover Van will be at Detroit Bookfest!


Here are some fun Detroit facts courtesy of DMCVB’s

Detroit Facts

Detroit Facts

Detroit Facts

Detroit Facts

Thank you MIGeekScene for listing us on your Events Calendar

Thank you MIGeekScene for listing us on your Events Calendar

MI Geek Scene

MI Geek Scene is run by Joe Hubbard and based in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Joe is “Head Geek” and started MGS in 2014 as a “positive geek culture website”. Joe also takes great photos and conducts engaging interviews with his guests.

They consistently feature one of the best calendars of cool pop-culture related events in the state of Michigan.

We highly recommend listing your event, if applicable, on their calendar.

MI Geek Scene


MIGeekScene upcoming events


Submit your event for consideration here



[email protected]






MI Geek Scene