JW Westcott (courtesy of the JW Archives)
The five Great Lakes comprise the world’s largest reservoir of fresh water. As a result, the Great Lakes maritime industry here is a thriving multi-state ecosystem of international importance. 38 deep-water ports. 87 recreational harbors. Thousands of boats daily. Yes, boating is big business here in Michigan. This area is drenched in dazzling maritime history and one of the premier companies of historical importance in this realm is JW Westcott.
June 7th, 2024 was the 150th anniversary of the JW Westcott Company, which is now Detroit’s oldest continuously family-run business. Little did founder John Ward Westcott know back in 1874 that 150 years later his descendants would still be running the same great business on the same great river.
2024 was also the 50-year milestone of current owner Cpn. James M. Hogan Wescott working at his company. Jim is the 4th generation president and great grandson of the founder.
I’m sitting with Jim at Westcott headquarters at the foot of 24th Street next to the Ambassador Bridge. We’re discussing his family, his company, the past, the future, the recent spiral bound oral history book, and the fact that my own grandpa was a “tender” on this boat back in the early fifties.
It’s not always smooth sailing for Westcott. Sometimes they can face challenges as daunting as the freighters they snug up to. It’s not always rough seas either, there’s frequent fun to be had.
Here’s a fascinating true story about a nautical family dynasty who’ve spent over fifteen decades delivering mail to moving vessels on one of the world’s most vital waterways.
And don’t forget to check out the evolving timeline at the end of this article.
Let’s hear it from the man himself, Jim Hogan:

Jim Hogan, owner of JW Westcott Company, celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)
“JW Westcott is a 24 hours per day, 7 days per week year-round operation. We’re a 45 foot long contract mail boat with USPS and the world’s first non-military floating zipcode (48222).”
“Every year in late December, we go down to 3 days per week to handle forwarding. Early April we re-open. This year we had a boat in the water March 23rd, which was the earliest ever. It was a foreign ship and they needed our help via the Great Lakes Pilotage Authority.”
“We became an official USPS mailboat in 1948. We deliver mail to passing freighters, facilitate crew/captain transfers, nautical charts, groceries, pizza from Amicci’s, we fish people out of the water, you name it.”

Ride the Mailboat! The JW Westcott Detroit
“Right now, we have 15 employees. Cpn. Sam Buchanan is our general manager and director of marine operations. He’s been here since he was a spry lad of 18. We also have my son Jimmy Hogan Westcott (5th generation), along with The Birdman (Cpn. Bill Redding), and a newer group of deckhands like Walt Cochenour and Al Holland, among others.”
“Ride the Mailboat is a new program we have for the general public. You and your friends and family can tour the Detroit River on one of our boats, which is a very fun and unique experience. $150 per hour for up to six people. We do them Monday-Sunday. Call here to schedule (313-496-0555). Deposit is half. We take credit card over the phone.”
“The oral history book, ‘As Long As There Are Ships Sailing the Great Lakes: An Oral History of the JW Westcott Company’ started about two years ago when a man named Jim Cameron came to see me. He was representing the Michigan Oral History Association and wanted to cover the Westcott. We had multiple on-site conversations and he spoke with several people. There are only 75 copies available for purchase. You can buy them here at our headquarters or email us.”

Jim Hogan circa 1974 working onboard the JW Westcott II (courtesy of the JW Archives)
“I grew up on Union Lake, went to Walled Lake Central High School in Commerce Twsp, and currently live in Highland.”
“My mother June, Mildred June Westcott (1910-2010) was the granddaughter of the founder. She married my dad Joseph J. Hogan and I was born in 1956. My mom was also a teacher for Walled Lake schools.”
“I grew up on the Westcott boat, but I officially started working on the boat as a deckhand in July 1974. My dad needed me to take over for an employee one day. It was my graduation year from high school. I was also running the zamboni over at the original Novi ice arena, working an inventory job at the Hudson’s in Pontiac, and I was playing lots of hockey. That winter, I had my first taste of working the Detroit River in December on the ice. The boat would be bumping into 3-4-inch-thick ice floes.”
“Back in ’74, our night man was Frank Zuzak. He was known as ‘The Evening Voice of the Great Lakes’. A real storyteller. He told me early on in my first year that he was hired by ‘the old man’ back in 1921. He went on to say the old man would give him a try and since he hadn’t heard anything by 1974, he thought he was okay. Then he took a moment to lean over and spit in his spittoon. He always had a chew going. He answered the phone with a distinct line ‘Errrr Westcott’. He was a legend here and all around the Great Lakes! When the Renaissance Center was being construct he found some very dry humor in sharing with a few of us that it ‘looks like a new grain dock going in downtown, look at those silos’! And then he would once again lean over and relieve himself of some of his chew in the spittoon. I remember back in 1963 when I was a kid, he called the house the night the SS Montrose sank under the Ambassador Bridge. I answered the phone, he said for me to tell my dad that a ship sunk under the bridge. I said I will get him right away!”
“After attending Oakland Community College (the Orchard Ridge campus in Farmington Hills) for a bit, I decided to go full-time at JW Westcott in the Summer 1975. Later that Fall, I was on the last afternoon shift that serviced the Edmund Fitzgerald. Massive 729-foot-long ship. My captain was Dick Eathorne (Richard Eathorne, a former USCG senior chief quartermaster). Dick and I made the service call upbound. The Fitz was light, they were going to load up in Duluth. A few days later, they left Duluth and sank in 30–35-foot waves in Lake Superior. On that Monday, November 10th, 1975, I was in a bowling league in Commerce, it was unusually warm and raining that day, then later I looked out the door and it was snowing. I walked into the grill and up on the TV screen was famous WXYZ anchorman Bill Bonds saying that a freighter had potentially been lost in Lake Superior. 29 crew members died. It shocked and deeply saddened the world. The wreck lies in 545 feet of water just northwest of Whitefish Bay.”
“There’s been several paranormal experiences here at Westcott HQ over the years. Sometimes doors shut and open by themselves. You sense something, the feeling of being watched, but no one’s there. Human form shaped vapors glimpsed for the briefest of seconds then gone. One prime example stands out clearly in my mind. It was one of those classic dark gloomy rainy nights near Halloween 1975. I was in my second season working with retired Captain Dick Eathorne. About 8:30pm-ish, we made a delivery to an upbound ship. Coming back mid-stream, we saw what we thought was a figure standing under the dock light. It appeared like someone at the dock waiting for us, long hair, shapely, appeared to be female. We looked back literally a second later and she was gone. We were only 100ft off the dock. Then years later, I heard that this property used to be an old ribbon farm, and a young girl had been slain here. Was it her ghost? Who knows but it still creeps me out thinking about it.”
“Then in Fall 1980, Jacques Cousteau and his son Jean-Michel Cousteau and their crew of about 20-30 came by their oceanographic research vessel, The Calypso. They were going up to Lake Superior to dive the Edmund Fitzgerald. Seeing him outside JW Westcott on the Detroit River was a remarkable sight.”

Cpn. Jacques Cousteau circa 1980 after taking the Calypso by JW Westcott (courtesy of the JW Archives)
Some Family History

June and Jim Hogan, former owners of JW Westcott (courtesy of the JW Archives)
“There are two families, the Westcott family and the Hogan family. My mom graduated Hillsdale College and did a genealogy while she was there and found the Wescott’s are related to the Archbishop of Canterbury, which blew my mind.”
“In the early 1990’s, the Society of Stukely Westcott Descendants visited me to confirm that the Wescott’s were apart of this lineage also. Stukely was one of the founding settlers of Rhode Island and is also related to famous mariners Oliver Hazard Perry and his brother Commodore Matthew C. Perry.”
“On my mother’s side, the Hogan family used to own a tavern. It was called Hogan’s Tavern & Livery and was located on Michigan Avenue and 8th Street, across from where Nemo’s is now. It lasted until about 1917 Prohibition.”
JW Westcott Company’s History

JW Westcott in action (courtesy of the JW Archives)
“The JW Wescott Co. was officially founded 1874. The owner John Ward Wescott was a marine reporter for the Detroit Daily Post and had lots of connections in the Detroit marine industry. He leveraged those connections into creating a unique nautical mail delivery business. He also had two range lights (navigation beacons) on Belle Isle. His first phone number was 55. Our numbers have always had two fives in them as a tribute.”
“John Ward Westcott was born on Lime Island in the St. Mary’s River in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula on December 19, 1848. Prior to that, his dad David Westcott left New York in 1842 and came to Michigan. He met a lighthouse keeper named Mary and they got married on a steamboat at Mackinac Island in 1844. Westcott used to run the Lime Kiln range lights in Lime Kiln Crossing near Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada.”
“JW worked as a cabin boy on a passenger streamer. He lived in Marine City until moving to Detroit about 1873-ish. He was an agent for the Pittsburgh Steamship Co. and an alderman of the 4th ward.”
“When he started the company in 1874, he had a little rowboat that he kept on Belle Isle and he would deliver mail from ship captains to the mainland. About 1877 he moved the office to the foot of Woodward. In 1895, the United Stated Postal Service placed a boat on the river establishing a mail service. The Florence B boat would tow a man in a rowboat until they eventually upgraded to motorboats.”

JW Westcott postcard (courtesy of the JW Archives)
“Prior to the advent of radios in boats, Westcott was one of the main relayer’s of information between ships and shore.”
“Cpn. JW Westcott died 1913. He was living at 142 W. Hancock st at Cass ave at the time. He’s buried at Woodlawn Cemetery (Woodward, just south of 8 Mile) in Section 14, Lot 4.”
“JW Westcott Co. started using motorboats in 1918.”
“We’ve delivered lots of interesting things over the years: massive 1,000 pound crates, captain’s dogs, live goats. We used to be a consignee for Mobil oil. They would mail us 55-gallon drums of marine engine lubricant and we would deliver them dockside with our van. Ships would use a giant ‘grocery crane’ and hoist them onto their decks.”

Cpn. JW Westcott is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery (Detroit, Michigan)
“From 1937-64, JW Westcott actually had a satellite ‘spotters’ office in Port Huron, north of Pine Grove Park. It was run by Harold Simpson, my grandmother’s brother, who was also a WWI vet.”
“During World War II, my dad Joseph J. Hogan, was a US Army staff sergeant with the counter-intelligence corps (CIC) in the Pacific Theater. He trained at Fort Riley, Kansas, then they sent him to the South Pacific. Not one of his pleasant memories. He suffered many island diseases and horrendous memories of prison camp activity. He rarely ever brought those experiences to conversation. He was a true member of the Greatest Generation.”
“By 1948, the second generation of JW Westcott Company decided to bid on a USPS mail contract. Prior to that there had been six different on-the-water contractors. We won and commissioned Paasch Marine Shipping Services (Erie, PA) to build our mailboat. The JW Second is the original boat and it’s still apart of our fleet today.”
“Our location has changed several times throughout the years. This current headquarters was established back in 1953. Prior to that we went from Woodward to 1st to 12th to 24th. We spent two years operating out of the firehouse next-door, which had two fire boats (Battle and Kendall). By Spring 1955, we were fully running this spot with a brand new 3,000sq ft building.”

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)
“In 1959, the Queen of England herself, Queen Elizabeth, came sailing down the Detroit River in her 412-foot-long royal yacht Brittania. They were heading to the Mackinac Bridge. This is about when the St. Lawrence Seaway opened, and foreign cargo ships started coming into the Great Lakes. By 1961, JW Westcott was doing pilotage transfers. We’re a mandatory change-point for pilotage here on the great lakes. Canadian pilotage firms are run by their government, while USA pilotage firms are private concerns.”
“In 1966, the FBI pulled a stowaway from Chicago off a passing freighter. They took him back to shore onboard the Westcott.”
“My dad started a tradition in 1971 to take the crew to Carl’s Chophouse (3020 Grand River Ave). We never missed out on the annual holiday dinner until it closed in 2008. It was across from Motor City Casino.”
“October 2001 was our greatest tragedy. Captain Catherine Nasiatka and Deckhand Dave Lewis perished as a result of the sinking of the M/V J.W. Westcott II. A very sad and tragic accident.”
“Over the years, we’ve rescued many from the river. I can’t tell you how many people we’ve helped out of the river. Last year (July 12, 2023) we saved an Ambassador Bridge employee, a 27-year-old Canadian man named Spencer Baker, who was working on top of his truck on the bridge and accidentally fell off into the water. Now that’s a 156 foot drop. People in the park screamed to us and Cpn. Sam Buchanan raced out there and got him three minutes after he hit the water. Sam’s alacrity probably saved his life.”
Jim Hogan: Hockey Fan

JW Westcott owner Jim Hogan hockey player (photo courtesy of JW Westcott archives)
“I am a lifelong ice hockey fanatic. It’s been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember.”
“Growing up on Union Lake, I was only forty steps away from the greatest ice rink every winter. My dad built some nets out of 2×5 and chain-link fence for us. From the day the ice was two inches thick, I’d be out there for hours.”
“My dad would get up on Saturday mornings to go to Winter Wonderland ice arena (16611 Schoolcraft, Detroit) for 5am, 6am, and 7am practices, then I’d skate on the lake all day, and have games at night. I don’t know how he did it.”

JW Westcott owner Jim Hogan hockey player (photo courtesy of JW Westcott archives)
“I was 11 years old when he would bring me down to JW Westcott on Sunday mornings. I would meet another hockey player’s family and we’d drive over to Tilbury, Ontario to play hockey.”
“Marty Pavelich (who passed away recently in June 2024) was the first Red Wing I ever met. In November 1972, the Waterford Lakers junior B team hosted the Detroit Red Wings old timers. In that lineup was Marty Pavelich, Ted Lindsay, etc. That game I hooked Terrible Ted Lindsay, got two minutes for tripping, and had my photo in the Pontiac Press (now Oakland Press).”
“I was 17yrs old and practicing at a rink in Waterford when I got a call from a hockey coach up in North Bay, Ontario. They got wind of me, had a need, I was caught off guard, plus dad wanted me to stay committed to local team. I turned the offer down and have always regretted not exploring the possibilities of turning down that avenue. One of life’s many lessons.”
“My two sons, Jimmy and Bryan, both played hockey, Bryan for the University of Michigan. They grew up in the Lakeland Hockey Association, Michigan’s largest hockey association. There were 10-12 teams in every age group and a travel group for each of those back in those days. They spent lots of time at Lakeland Arena (Waterford) and formed friendships for a lifetime.”
“To round it all out, I spent years coaching high school hockey and loved it.”

JW Westcott’s Jim Hogan hooking Ted Lindsay in hockey game circa 1962 (photo courtesy of JW Westcott archives)
Assorted Bits n’ Barnacles

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)
“I love boating. It’s in my DNA. The best inland boating for me is the Indian River, which connects Burt Lake and Mullett Lake, and the Cheboygan River, to Lake Huron. I have a 24 ft Bayliner deck boat. On my other favorite lake, Duck Lake, is where my home is today. I also love hydroplane racing. I miss Quake on the Lake (Pontiac) and I’m really looking forward to the Detroit Hydroplane Races in 2025. The roostertail turn down by Waterworks Park is a great one.”
“In 1981, I joined the International Shipmasters Association Detroit Lodge # 7. They used to meet at the Barlum (now Cadillac Tower) but they don’t have a permanent brick and mortar facility. The membership consists of a large group of captains, mates, chief engineers, and others from all different sectors of the maritime industry.”
“Also in 1981, we took a trip on the Charles M. Beeghly (freighter). We got on at Detroit and headed to Lackawanna, New York on the east end of Lake Erie near Buffalo. They took us around, through the Straits of Mackinac, to load pellets in Escanaba and take them down to Indiana Harbor near Gary. We walked a 250-foot bow out over the boat as it was loading.”

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)
“We sailed on the Paul R. Tregurtha, largest ship on the Great Lakes, 1,013ft long, in 2016. Our 5-day trip became 9 days due to weather. We boarded in St. Clair, they were offloading coal and going down to Monroe, then we went back up to Duluth, loaded up more coal and took it to St. Clair. Amazing experience. It was a gratuity trip via Interlake Steamship Co. (Cleveland HQ), the largest privately held fleet on the Great Lakes. Interlake also introduced the new Mark W. Barker freighter in Fall 2022. It’s 26,000 tons.”
“I remember a woman named Arlene Earl (1938-2016). She was famously known as The Flower Lady to all the passing boats. She lived on Harsen’s Island and would frequently wave to the freighters, who would reply by blowing her salutes on their whistles. She was very friendly and very concerned for the sailors, especially during the holidays. She would drop off 30-40 flowers and plants to be placed board her many favorite ships, one per vessel.”

JW Westcott’s old summer house at 553 N. Riverside ave, St. Clair, Michigan (courtesy of the JW Archives)
“The Lake Carriers Association is based in Cleveland, Ohio and represents US fleets.”
“The Lakes Pilots Association is in Port Huron. They’re a pilotage service.”
“The Detroit Harbormaster is a unit of the Detroit Police Department’s waterborne division. They do river rescues. The DPD dive team practices near here.”
“Soo Marine Supply (owned by the McCoy’s) is located at the Soo Locks. They were developed to support US Steel back in the day. They take food, supplies, parts, etc, to ships also.”

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)
“JW Westcott was recently featured in a 4-part series in Telescope Magazine, the flagship publication of the Great Lakes Maritime Institute.”
“People often wonder and yes, JW Westcott has a great relationship with Canada and the crews of Canadian vessels. JW Westcott is only 1,800 feet across from Canada (1,000ft on the water).”
“MarineTraffic is a great ship tracking app. It shows you the real-time locations of ships and yachts worldwide.”
“The Port of Detroit is Michigan’s largest inland port. They handle steel, ore, stone, coal, cement, et. General cargo passes through Nicholson Terminal via stevedores (dock workers). Although large, this port used to be much larger when Great Lakes Steel was operating at Zug Island. You also had McClouth Steel Plant in Trenton and Detroit Edison. Rouge Steel is still around although its now called Dearborn Works and is run by Cleveland Cliffs.”
“Detroit’s Diamond Jack Riverboat Tours company was formed out of Gaelic Tugboat Co, which was owned by Cpn. Bill Hoey. They used to have 15 tugboats back in the 70’s. My parents were shipmaster-owners of Diamond Jack cruises.”
Final Thoughts

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)
“As you can see, the maritime industry is vast and complex, and JW Westcott continues evolving in response to new technology and customer’s needs.”
“Recently, there has been a generational change in the industry among both sailors and managers. As the old regime retires, the young newcomers don’t know who we are. We are in the process of reestablishing our notability with the new generation.”
“It’s also challenging at times to run a 24-hour operation for only five hours of business. We have a Hi-Lo driver and boat crew here 24 hours a day every single day. And as vessels age, maintenance cost increases.”
“In early 2020, we lost our biggest customer, the American Steamship Company (ASC). GATX sold ASC to Rand Logistics for $260 million dollars cash in a leveraged buyout. ASC is the biggest steamship company on the Great Lakes. They specialize in dry bulk transport of things like limestone, coal, iron, ore.”

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)
“No business is immune to stresses and pressures. Fortunately, I’ve been surrounded by really good people. Their support network is key to our success.”
“My son Jimmy is 5th generation. He’s the next in line after me. He has tons of great ideas on how to enhance our bottom line, such as hosting events. JW Westcott is also a unique venue that is great for gatherings, weddings, business luncheons, you name it. And we have a food truck coming soon.”
“I love the waterfront. It’s also full of memories of boarding the SS Columbia or St. Clair for Boblo Island, seeing the old Robin Hood flour plant, delivering mail in the Westcott with my dad. You never step in the same river twice, that’s for sure.”
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JW Westcott rowboat illustration (courtesy of the JW Archives)
JW Westcott Timeline
1848-John Ward Westcott is born on Lime Island. He is the third of eight children.
1874-JW Westcott Company founded
1883-John Ward Westcott Jr born
1910-69-JW Westcott grandson; lived at 7252 Colony Dr, Walled Lake; buried in Commerce
1917-Mildred Simpson Westcott married John Ward Westcott II. They lived on West Grand Blvd, Detroit. Mildred Simpson lived 1897-1989. She’s buried in Oak Grove Cemetery (Hillsdale)
2024-JW Westcott Company celebrates 150th anniversary

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Company celebrating 150 years in June 2024 (photo by Ryan M. Place)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Company Detroit timeline

Cpn. JW Westcott buried at Woodlawn Cemetery (Detroit, Michigan)

Cpn. JW Westcott buried at Woodlawn Cemetery (Detroit, Michigan)

Cpn. JW Westcott buried at Woodlawn Cemetery (Detroit, Michigan)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

Robin Hood Flour Plant Detroit (courtesy DHS archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

Jim Hogan hockey player Waterford Lakers, now owner JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

Cousteau diver Remy Galliano killed 1980 on Lake Ontario (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)

JW Westcott Detroit (courtesy of the JW Archives)
Other Detroit River Mailboats

CF Becker: other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

CF Becker: other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

CF Becker: other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

CF Becker: other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

CF Bielman: other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

George Rigg: other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

CF Bielman: other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

CF Bielman: other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

GF Becker: other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

CF Becker: other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

CF Bielman: other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

CF Bielman: other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

Oliver Mook: other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

Oliver Mook: other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

Oliver Mook: other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

Oliver Mook: other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

Oliver Mook: other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

Oliver Mook: other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

Oliver Mook: other Detroit River mailboats from the past (courtesy of the JW Archives)

Steamship on the Detroit River (courtesy of the JW Archives)

Fort Wayne
Detroit is a mysterious city.
Filled with hidden gems galore and deeply laced with history, Detroit is like some kind of unexplored video game realm awaiting a protagonist whom, swept up in the spirit of adventure, eagerly unearths its treasures to win the game.
One such beautiful example of Detroit’s fascinating history lies in the oft overlooked neighborhood of Delray in the Southwest part of the city, near the cavernous underground salt mines.
Between spooky Zug Island and the old Boblo Docks, stretched out along the Detroit River in an area soon to be populated by the nearly 2-mile long Gordie Howe International Bridge, is historic Fort Wayne.

Fort Wayne aerial photo c. 1980 (photo courtesy of Historic Fort Wayne Coalition)
This beautiful national treasure is also located down the street from Flor-Dri (5450 W. Jefferson), which was once the original site of Michigan’s first printing press in 1809, thanks to Gabriel Richard.
Fort Wayne is an old military fort comprised of around 40 buildings and sits on 96 acres.
87 acres are owned by the City of Detroit Recreation Department & run by the all-volunteer Historic Fort Wayne Coalition (HFWC).
9 acres are owned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and is referred to as the Detroit Boatyard.
Exploring the HFWC’s Two Military Research Libraries

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
I’m exploring the libraries at Fort Wayne with Will Eichler and Tom Berlucchi.
Will and Tom are the two fearless leaders of the Historic Fort Wayne Coalition, a non-profit group of around 20 volunteers who run weekend operations at the fort and whom have been fixing up the fort and fighting to save it from neglect and decay, since Tom founded the coalition in 2001.
Will and Tom are historians and historical preservationists. They are Civil War reenactors and passionate about Living History and honoring the richness of Detroit’s military history, which is why they’re created and curated two outstanding (and growing) military-themed libraries here at the fort.
“The two military reference libraries here are not lending libraries, they’re private appointment-only and designed for research. We’re currently accepting donations of military books and we’re hoping to open the libraries up to the general public sometime in the next five years.”
“I would say our largest concentration of books is Civil War material. Our next largest segment is World War II. Beyond that, we have military-related books, maps and ephemera from all over the world and all different time periods.”
“These libraries help deepen and expand our appreciation of the tremendous amount of history here at Fort Wayne.”
“In 1812, the British landed at Fort Wayne on the spot where kids play soccer nowadays.”
“1838 was the Patriot War. Some Detroiters sailed from here into Amherstburg, Ontario on a schooner and shelled Fort Malden and they also took the barracks in Windsor. At the time, there was a revolution going on within Canada. Officially, the USA stayed neutral, except for some private individuals who got involved. Some were executed, some were sent to the Hudson Bay Barges.”
“Then in 1840, there was an initiative by the government to build a series of Northern Frontier forts and the property of Fort Wayne was acquired at that time.”

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
“Fort Wayne was designed by Lt. Meigs and construction began in 1843. It was finally completed in 1852. The fort was actually dormant until the Civil War erupted, then it reopened. In the interim, an old Irish couple were the caretakers.”
“We’ve been trying to fix up the fort and bring it alive with military reenactments in ways that are as historically accurate as possible. It’s difficult to generate revenue for preservation. The Fort Adams Trust in Rhode Island might be a good model to follow in terms of making Fort Wayne sustainable long-term.”
“What I love is that everybody has a different reason for wanting to visit Fort Wayne. Part of the joy of interpreting this place is finding out for yourself the best way you personally connect with history.”
“In terms of maintenance, we’re looking to establish a professional service agreement with the City of Detroit. This would provide much needed funds for our ongoing restoration efforts.”
“And for the record, Fort Wayne is not a star-shaped fort.”
“It’s a four-bastioned square fort with an external fortification, which is the 5th part, thus, it’s technically not a true star-shaped fort.”
Who are Will and Tom?

Will Eichler & Tom Berlucchi @ Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
“Being apart of the Historic Fort Wayne Coalition is my passion.”
“My interest in Living History started when I was 15. I read a book called ‘Rifles for Watie’, a fantastic kid’s book about the Civil War. I read it and I’ve been hooked ever since.”
“I attended the James Madison College of International Affairs at Michigan State University, where I studied political theory. I have a 1,000-volume personal library at home, mainly Civil War and political books.”
“Currently I work in television as camera and Steadicam operator on NBC’s Chicago Fire.”
“I also shoot a bi-weekly video series called Civil War Digital Digest where we cover all aspects of Civil War History.”

Tom Berlucchi @ Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
“My first exposure to Fort Wayne was back in 1974 when I started doing Civil War reenactments here with the Loomis Battery.”
“In 2001, I founded the Historic Fort Wayne Coalition, a non-profit of which I’m chairman. In 2003, we were granted our 501(c)(3) status on Christmas Eve.”
“Prior to that I served in the U.S. Navy from 1979-83.”
“I’m most interested in documenting the history of the Red Scare in Detroit during the 1920’s-30’s. We held 300 Communist prisoners right here at Fort Wayne from 1920-21. It’s a largely unknown history lesson.”
Why is Fort Wayne Historically Important?

Fort Wayne historic aerial (photo courtesy of Historic Fort Wayne Coalition)
The land that Fort Wayne sits on used to be known as the Springwells Mounds, a series of old Native American burial mounds dating to at least 1,000 AD. Only one mound still exists at Fort Wayne.
During the 1700’s, the area was a Potawatomi Indian village until around 1780, when they moved away. At the time, the area was prized for being a large sand hill and thus, a good vantage point.
In 1781, Irish fur trader, John Askin, moved to what is now Fort Wayne. He traded furs here until he became Justice of the Peace in Detroit from 1789-1802. Then he moved to Canada.
Shortly after the War of 1812 started, the British entered the US via Sandwich, Canada and landed where Fort Wayne is now and stayed here for over one year.
In 1815, the Treaty of Spring Wells, a 6-foot long parchment roll, was signed here by eight Indian tribes and future president Gen. William Henry Harrison, formally establishing peace between the native tribes and the new occupiers of the Michigan Territory.

old Fort Wayne (courtesy of Historic Fort Wayne Coalition)
Then in 1841, Congress wanted to build fourteen Northern Frontier Forts as a barrier against potential British attacks. Based on the survey of Lt. Macomb, they selected this spot for Fort Wayne, because it was the closest point on the Detroit River to Canada.
Fort Wayne was constructed over an eight-year period from 1843-51. It was named in honor of American Revolutionary War hero Gen. “Mad Anthony” Wayne.
During this time, future president Ulysses S. Grant lived nearby at 253 East Fort Street, Detroit from 1849-51. It is not officially known if Grant spent any time at Fort Wayne but the general consensus is that he most likely did due to his military involvement and close proximity to the fort.
On April 12, 1861, the Civil War exploded when the Confederates fired on Fort Sumpter, South Carolina. Two days later, President Lincoln began mobilizing the Union into action.
Fort Wayne immediately became a training center and infantry garrison for Michigan’s 1st Infantry Regiment, including the Coldwater Cadets, some 780 men, who fought in the First Battle of Bull Run.
Several other regiments, totaling an estimated 14,000 troops, passed through Fort Wayne during the Civil War.

old Fort Wayne schematic (courtesy of Historic Fort Wayne Coalition)
In 1885, Springwells Township, where Fort Wayne was located, was annexed to the city of Detroit.
During World War I, over 500 African American troops were stationed at Fort Wayne.
In the 1930’s, the Great Depression hit the country hard and hundreds of homeless families lived in the old Civil War-era limestone barracks.
During World War II, the city of Detroit was the “Arsenal of Democracy.” Some 2,000 people moved to Fort Wayne and helped coordinate the supply of military vehicles and tanks to the U.S. military overseas via the Fort Wayne Ordinance Depot.
Fort Wayne was also used as a training and induction center. POW’s from Italy were housed here. Several of them, including Eduardo Barbieri, became permanent residents of Detroit after the war ended.

Fort Wayne (courtesy of Historic Fort Wayne Coalition)
In 1949, the U.S. Federal Government officially transferred ownership of Fort Wayne to the City of Detroit and the property was run by the City of Detroit Historical Commission.
During the Cold War, Nike Ajax missiles were installed here in 1957 and replaced by Nike Hercules missiles in 1959.
The Fort served as an induction center during the Vietnam War.
In 1967, Fort Wayne was officially deactivated.
From 1967-71, families whose homes were burned down in the Detroit Riots, lived in the old limestone barracks.
Over 200 years after its construction, the fort was officially listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1971.
The empty fort fell into decline and decayed for almost four decades before the Historic Fort Wayne Coalition stepped in in 2001. Then in 2006, the City of Detroit Recreation Department assumed ownership.
Unknown Facts about Fort Wayne

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
“Fort Wayne still has the original limestone barracks from 1845 and also the original 1880’s houses on Officer Row.”
“There used to be a cemetery here. Over 150 graves were moved to nearby Woodmere Cemetery (9400 W. Fort St, Detroit) around 1896.”
“Also, not many people know this, but there were three jails, called Guard Houses, on-site here at Fort Wayne. They weren’t here all at once, so it depends on the decade.”
“In 1887, a man named Arthur Stone tried escaping Fort Wayne and Sgt. Clark shot him dead here.”
“A woman named Elsie Woline committed suicide in Building 108, the Commandant’s Building. She was African American in the employ of Captain French and was jilted by a lover. She took her own life by drinking carbolic acid.”
“One of the most incredible things about Fort Wayne is that we’ve had somewhere between 23-27 Medal of Honor recipients tour the fort, including Surgeon Irwin, a U.S. Army surgeon during the Apache Wars, whom had one of the first ever-issued.”
“My personal goal is to obtain copies of all of these medals and display them here with stories.”
“Tom Custer, George’s little brother, was in the 6th Michigan Cavalry and was the only person in the entire Civil War to win two Medals of Honor.”
Annual Civil War Reenactments @ Fort Wayne

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo courtesy of Historic Fort Wayne Coalition)
“Tom and I are both huge Civil War fanatics. I follow Michigan’s 5th Infantry and the 3rd Regiment the most.”
“In the library here, we have a framed photo of Texans retreating from Maryland to Virginia after the Battle of Antietam, which was the single bloodiest day in American history.”
“We also have a ton of great Civil War books in the reference library, including a series of pamphlet-size blue books, which talk about small arms used by Michigan troops in the Civil War.”
“Our reenactments are extremely specific recreations. The soldiers even stay in the original barracks and pay in period script, not modern money.”
“What does it for me, what brings history alive, is getting to walk on the same floors, the same stairways that those soldiers did. Thinking of how many thousands of people have passed through here over the years, it’s incredible.”

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
“During our reenactment, Maj. Gen. Israel Richardson, killed during the Battle of Antietam and whose grave is under a big oak tree at Oak Hill Cemetery in Pontiac, Michigan, his original jacket was here in the museum inside our Visitors Center.”
“The 2nd Michigan Regiment is here and we garrison the fort the way it was in the 1860’s.”
“I’m also hoping to have my documentary about Fort Wayne completed at some point this year. The documentary is produced by my own company, Ravelin Films.”

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
“I cried back when we opened the barracks for the very first time and the Union reenactors marched through. It was a touching moment.”
“I also cried when we fired a salute with real canons here in honor of a man named Luiz who drowned in Lake Erie back in 2008. Luiz went to Southwest High School and played soccer here and a ton of his friends and family came out for the memorial.”
“As for the fort, I’m a preservationist but I’m also realistic. It’s not all going to be saved. We still have WWII-era electrical here, no insulation on the power lines. The plumbing needs updating. There’s probably $250 million dollars’ worth of restoration needed. But we’ll continue doing what we can.”
“If you haven’t been to Fort Wayne yet, make plans right now to come visit us. It’s a must-see destination!”
To donate your military books to Fort Wayne, please contact:
[email protected]
Fort Wayne
6325 West Jefferson Ave.
Detroit, MI 48209

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)
Historic Fort Wayne Coalition
HFWC Facebook
Annual Civil War Reenactment (2nd weekend in June)
Civil War Digital Digest (bi-weekly; run by Will Eichler)
Hold My Horse: A Short Film about Israel Richardson by Will Eichler

Hold My Horse: A Short Film about Israel Richardson by Will Eichler
Detroit Parks & Rec
National Register of Historic Places (Fort Wayne tracking # 71000425)
Civil War Medal of Honor database (1,522 recipients)

Historic Fort Wayne Tours

Flor-Dri (5450 W. Jefferson, Detroit), which was once the original site of Michigan’s first printing press in 1809, thanks to Gabriel Richard (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Fort Wayne Research Library (photo by Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Civil War Days @ Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)

Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne (photo by: Ryan M. Place)
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