Detroit Festival of Books (aka Detroit Bookfest) logo by Rachel Quinlan!
Professional illustrator and fantasy artist, Rachel Quinlan, lives in Detroit and has been honing her natural artistic abilities for years.
Her first order of business as the newly appointed Creative Director here at Detroit Festival of Books was to craft an incredible new logo for us. She did a terrific job!
Detroit artist Rachel Quinlan
Rachel’s logo is a tribute to Detroit, Eastern Market, Books (ie: note the open book atop the shed) and the piece beautifully exudes her own brilliant sense of design.
Rachel is the founder of the Changeling Art Collective, a group of 40+ international fantasy artists and she is also a web designer at WambaTech.
Changeling are not currently recruiting new members, but for future consideration, please send a portfolio link to:
changelingartistcollective at
Detroit Festival of Books (aka Detroit Bookfest) logo by Rachel Quinlan!
Inspired by the Golden Age of Illustration, which lasted from the 1880’s-1920’s, Rachel crafts unique and memorable pieces. Many of her prints are for sale, be sure to explore her online store.
Check out her work below. Thank you Rachel, you are amazing and your work is incredible!
When you download an MP3 audio file, the music gets compressed and you lose the fullness of sound that you get on vinyl records. The sound on vinyl is more expansive, nuanced and loaded with delicious sonic subtleties that are lost on all other formats. You can feel the music when listening to LP’s.
Plus, vinyl record listening, collecting and appreciation is a wonderful culture. Buying records at a store and listening to it is a fun and meaningful experience. You develop great relationships with record store owners and come to enjoy the variety of eclectic tastes out there.
If you’re just starting out, make sure you:
Buy a good, quality turntable
Buy at least 2-4 good, quality speakers
Buy some record crates to store your records in
Buy some record sleeves to protect your records
Get some good chairs for you and your friends to sit in
You don’t need to worry about cork mats, titanium tone arms, 180-gram vinyl, etc, when starting out. Just enjoy digging in crates and listening to good music that you like.
Audiophiles are vinyl connoisseurs whom appreciate hi-fi records and the sport & hobby of amassing an incredible collection of high grade records. Audiophiles are very knowledgeable and have years of experience. But you do not need to be an audiophile to appreciate good records.
We also want to thank Third Man Records Detroit and Archer Record Pressing Plant for making vinyl records in Detroit!
DJ Zig-Zag will be bringing the funk, the whole funk and nothing but the funk to Detroit Festival of Books (aka: Detroit Bookfest).
Why do we love funk music?
Because it’s fun, upbeat, and there’s a certain Detroitness to funk music and a certain funk music vibe to the city of Detroit.
Going strong since 2001, they are held the last Friday of every month at a different spot in Detroit. Frank spins funk records and they have live funk bands. We highly recommend you check them out!
MC5, Wayne Kramer & 50 Years of Kickin’ Out the Jams!
The rock band MC5 formed in Lincoln Park, Michigan in 1964.
On Devils Night and Halloween 1968, they recorded their famous ‘Kick Out the Jams’ album live at Detroit’s legendary Grande Ballroom. This album propelled them to international acclaim.
2018 marks the 50th anniversary of MC5 and leader Wayne Kramer is leading MC5 on a historic 50th Anniversary concert tour that will culminate in an October live show at the Fillmore Detroit.
Sure, Bill Gates is worth a measly $90 BILLION DOLLARS.
He’s the world’s 2nd richest person and instead of being less busy than most people, Gates is far busier with traveling, speaking engagements, diving Scrooge McDuck-style into mountains of gold coins and more.
Despite his intense schedule, Bill Gates still manages to read at least 50 books per year.
How to Read More BOOKS!
That may not sound like alot, but it is. 50 books per year is an average of 4 books per month. Now, Gates reads mostly non-fiction.
Non-fiction averages around 200 pages (ie: 55,000 words). So, Bill Gates reads over 9,000 pages per year, which is an incredible accomplishment and inspiring example for anyone.
Gates says, “One of the things I love about reading is each book opens up new avenues of knowledge to explore.”
We here at Detroit Festival of Books (aka: Detroit Bookfest) encourage you to explore your willpower and limits and READ MORE BOOKS! You can do it!
How to Read More BOOKS!
Ryan’s strategy to read more books:
1.) Create a Book Log for notes (and subsequent Book Fund to purchase books). Over time, you’ll find the money in the Book Fund does not keep pace with the # of books you want to read in your Book Log! This is a good thing. It means your curiosity is flourishing. Keep moving.
2.) Make some lists: books you want to read, books you have read, your favorite books, etc.
3.) Prioritize the books you want to read and try reading at least one book per month. Since we are all insanely hyper-busy nowadays, this will not be as easy as it sounds. But it can be done and sometimes book planning helps.
4.) Schedule some Designated Reading Time for yourself either daily, nightly or weekly. For myself personally, I read at night, usually for 1-2 hours before bedtime. Nighttime is when I find that my mind is most relaxed and perceptive. Morning is for coffee and busywork.
5.) There are thousands of genres of books out there. Yes, something for everyone. Once you find a genre (or genres) you really like, and you stick to your reading schedule, you’ll find yourself reading more and more books in less and less time. You will find that books are not boring cures for insomnia, but fascinating, wonderful, mind-expanding resources that can help you in your daily life.
How to Read More BOOKS!
Ryan’s fun book recommendations to get you started (these are just personal suggestions):
1.) Tao Te Ching (500 BC) Lao Tzu
2.) Man’s Search for Meaning (1946) Viktor Frankl
3.) Bleak House (1853) Charles Dickens
4.) Ubik (1969) Philip K. Dick
5.) Meditations (180 AD) Marcus Aurelius
6.) Hamlet (1600) Shakespeare
7.) The Rose of Paracelsus: On Secrets & Sacraments (2015) William Leonard Pickard
8.) Jane Eyre (1847) Charlotte Bronte
9.) Smiley’s People (1979) John Le Carre
10.) The Haunting of Hill House (1959) Shirley Jackson
How to Read More BOOKS!
If the successful billionaire co-founder of Microsoft can read 50 books per year, you can read at least one book per month or more. We believe in you! Don’t dream it, do it!
I don’t care who you are, where you live in the world, how old you are, etc, just remember BOOKS ARE FUN, BOOKS ARE FOR EVERYONE!
LONNI THOMAS @ 1st annual Detroit Festival of Books @ Eastern Market!
Huge THANK YOU to everyone for making this event fun and successful! Extra special thank you to Eastern Market’s Sunday Market Manager Lonni Thomas. Without her love & support, this festival would not exist.
Official estimates say that we had approximately 10,000+ attendees throughout the day for the 1st annual Detroit Festival of Books at Eastern Market.
These are not professional photos. These are just some fun, random, candid photos we took of the event. Perhaps we will have a bigger budget next year to hire a pro photographer.
Detroit Lions football player DON CAREY will be at Detroit Festival of Books!
Detroit Lions safety Don Carey (26) will be at the Detroit Festival of Books signing a limited number of advanced copies of his book ‘It’s Not Because I’m Better Than You‘ which will be officially released by Waldorf Publishing on October 15th, 2017.
Mr. Carey has been a safety for the Detroit Lions since 2011. He specializes in tackles and forcing fumbles and in 2015, he led the NFL in solo special teams tackles.
Detroit Lions football player DON CAREY will be at Detroit Festival of Books!
Don J. Carey III was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan on February 14th, 1987. He overcame enormous obstacles in his life to eventually play in the NFL. He is founder of C&R Preferred, Don Carey International Ministries and hosts free youth football camps in Detroit.
As an Ambassador for Athletes to Charity, Mr. Carey has donated over 10,000 books to kids in Detroit schools to help promote literacy.
He is also currently studying to receive his Masters in Theological Studies with a focus in the Old Testament at Moody Theological Seminary.
Detroit Lions football player DON CAREY will be at Detroit Festival of Books!
Detroit Lions press release on Don Carey @ Detroit Bookfest
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